14 | REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Ecogas: Food Waste Processing Facility Facility a game-changer for sustainability The food waste to bioenergy plant will make a dent in greenhouse gas emissions by capturing methane. www.jle.co.nz JLE is proud to be part of the integrated team on the Ecogas food waste processing project in Reporoa. Supply, Installation & commissioning support on Power, Control, Instrumentation & Mechanical works & more. JLE - The trusted choice in the industrial and infrastructure sector, delivering electrical and mechanical solutions through collaboration with our Aotearoa and international partners. 0800 ASK JLE 0800 275 553 Along with tackling waste, New Zealand’s first large-scale food waste-to-bioenergy plant is poised to make a significant dent on our greenhouse gas emissions. That’s because organic waste, like food scraps and plant matter that currently goes to landfills, produces methane – a potent greenhouse gas – as it breaks down. Instead of releasing methane emissions into the atmosphere, the methane will be captured in the new Ecogas facility and used to generate renewable energy and biofertiliser. For Ecogas General Manager Alzbeta Bouskova, this is an incredibly exciting part of the project’s story. “Methane is twenty-five times stronger in global warming terms than cardon dioxide alone,” she says. “Not only will this plant help New Zealand’s journey towards a circular economy, but it also represents a huge step forward on emissions reduction.” Originally, the facility was developed for the Waikato region, but with the addition of Auckland’s food waste, the project has tripled in scale and will be able to process up to 75,000 tonnes of organic waste a year. Project planners anticipate further growth in time, with room to add a fourth anaerobic digester on the site. The joint partners in Ecogas bring complementary expertise and experience to this inspiring project. Based out of Auckland, EcoStock’s core business is processing food waste into nutritious stock feed and organic fertiliser. Kim Newth to page 16