Business North November 2022

88 | Karen Phelps Future-proof homes with Insulated Concrete Two built-in layers of foam insulation this gives an ICF building some sizeable advantages over traditional building methods. BUILDING Shorcom Specialist Resource Management & Town Planning Consultant Colin Hardacr Director - B.R.P, N.Z.P.I Mob 027-280-8409 642 Great South Road Ellerslie Auckland City 1051 Designed, Engineered and Built Better. • Insulated Concrete Formwork • R4+ High Performance Walls • Fast Construction • Fire Rated • Design Creativity • High Acoustic Performance • Energy Efficient Ph. 021 276 6453 ʹˢ˥ ˠˢ˥˘ ˜ˡ˙ˢ˥ˠ˔˧˜ˢˡʟ ˩˜˦˜˧ ˨˦ ˔˧ʭ ˪˪˪ʡ˦˛˜˥˘˚˘ˢ˧˘˖˛ˡ˜˖˦ʡ˖ˢʡˡ˭ $W 6KLUH *HRWHFKQLFV ZH EHOLHYH WKDW KDUG ZRUN HDUQV XV VXFFHVV 2XU IXWXUH LV FUHDWHG E\ ZKDW ZH GR WRGD\ :H KDYH RYHU \HDUV¶ H[SHULHQFH LQ VPDOO WR ODUJH VFDOH SURMHFWV ZLWK ORFDO DXWKRULWLHV FRPPHUFLDO DQG UHVLGHQWLDO ODQG GHYHORSHUV 2XU DUHDV RI H[SHUWLVH LQFOXGH  *HRWHFKQLFDO HQJLQHHULQJ VHUYLFHV  &LYLO HQJLQHHULQJ VHUYLFHV  &RQVWUXFWLRQ GHVLJQ  &RQVWUXFWLRQ PRQLWRULQJ  :DWHU PDQDJHPHQW  (QJLQHHULQJ DSSURYDO DSSOLFDWLRQV  %XLOGLQJ FRQVHQW DSSOLFDWLRQV HWF :H KDYH D JURZLQJ WHDP RI HQJLQHHUV ZKR FRQWLQXH WR ZRUN KDUG WR VXSSRUW RXU FOLHQWV¶ QHHGV 䘔 ʶʴʿʿ ˈˆ ˇ˂ʷʴˌ ʣʬʠʦʬʦʠlsʥʦʣ ʶʻ˂˂ˆʸ ˆʻʼ˅ʸ ʺʸ˂ˇʸʶʻˁʼʶˆ Shorcom is focused on building homes that last. That’s why it has chosen to build its developments exclusively using the world-leading construction method of ICF (Insulated Concrete Formwork). “This method of construction is used for the incredible benefits alongside providing a structurally sound building - such as leak-proof, sound-proof, cost effectiveness, versatility, and more. Our innovative ICF construction offers residents a solid home that is built to last decades,” explains Shorcom CEO Anthony Corin. It’s no surprise that Anthony was attracted to ICF. An entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience in the construction industry, Anthony holds a Bachelor of Engineering in Chemical and Materials Process Engineering from the University of Auckland. After thoroughly researching construction solutions from around the world, ICF was identified as the superior building methodology. ICF is hollow lightweight insulated forms that are easily stacked together at the construction site, and are filled with waterproofed, reinforced concrete and reinforcing steel. Anthony says that this approach delivers a product well above all regulatory requirements and market build expectations. The ICF product is made locally in Onehunga and has meant that Shorcom has not experienced the materials supply issues that have plagued the building industry recently. Anthony says that the team at Shorcom has established and maintained strong relationships with its network of frequent collaborators, which enables it to achieve high quality results. “Our culture of innovation and process engineering has brought about the elimination of multiple industry-wide bottlenecks, and allows us to continue to scale and expand rapidly as we play our part to alleviate the current chronic housing shortage in New Zealand,” says Anthony. Shorcom Limited provides residential concrete construction project management services predominantly involving multi-storey builds, including substructures, superstructures, and townhouses. The experienced Shorcom project managers and office personnel work with architects, engineers, council authorities, and others to complete projects on time and within budget. Shorcom currently operates from two Auckland offices in Henderson and East Tamaki. Anthony says that in time Shorcom will continue to expand across Auckland with the goal to expand across New Zealand. Shorcom has a large portfolio of projects underway across Auckland including Avondale, Clover Park, Massey, Henderson, Hillsborough, Howick, Manurewa, Mangere East, Otahuhu and Papakura. The Triangle Road project in Massey is a good example. It is located at number 19 and comprises eight two-level, modern terraced-houses. The homes offer a total floor area of 82.5m2 and are within walking distance from shops, schools, and public transport. “Massey is one of the fastest growing suburbs in West Auckland. This is a rare opportunity and now is the key time to secure an investment in this flourishing and expanding location,” says Anthony. The two-level terraced homes offer two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and one study. They have an open plan kitchen/dining and “Being inside an ICF home feels so quiet it can be compared to a recording studio. Leaning against a wall in the winter, it feels warm, even without heating on.” living arrangement all equipped with European appliances. And of course they’ve been made using ICF. In addition to solid, long-lasting construction that resists the ravages of fire, wind, and time, because ICF includes two built-in layers of foam insulation this gives an ICF building some sizeable advantages over traditional building methods, says Anthony, including greater energy efficiency and sound insulation. He says that as soon as people step inside an ICF building they can feel the difference. “Being inside an ICF home feels so quiet it can be compared to a recording studio. Leaning against a wall in the winter, it feels warm, even without heating on. It’s not just beautiful but also comfortable and quiet.” The expected completion date for the Triangle Road project is June 2023 and people can register interest now. Anthony says the homes will appeal to a range of buyers including first homebuyers, downsizers and investors.