Business North November 2022

| 9 Ruakura Superhub Jamie Strange: “I’m very proud of what has been achieved and is being done through partnerships between organisations, council and government.” REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Principal Planner at Hamilton’s Bloxam, Burnett & Olliver (BBO), Chris Dawson says the multi-disciplinary consultancy has had the opportunity to be involved in many iconic projects that have helped shape the way the vibrant city and region looks and feels. With o ices in Hamilton and Tauranga, BBO has the professional knowledge and experience to enable property development companies of all sizes, councils, government and private organisations to successfully navigate often intricate and complex planning pathways. “We are absolutely committed to providing our clients, regardless of the size and nature of their project, with the expertise and tools to achieve great outcomes.” From infrastructure engineering, construction monitoring, structural and water resource engineering to roading, land development and planning, BBO has the depth and breadth of capability to get projects going. So when Tainui Group Holdings (TGH) developed The Ruakura Superhub, BBO was able to bring its expertise to the table. “We’ve been there right from the start of the implementation, helping to plan and design all the necessary infrastructure to shape and de ine the many unique elements of this project of national signi icance,” Chris says. That’s meant designing and managing construction of all the civil infrastructure, earthworks, roading, waste water utilities along with, what will become a storm-water treatment wetland, which will act like the kidneys for the site, managing the movement and treating of stormwater run-o . “You can imagine with the inland port, BBO: With you from the start logistics centre, large-scale industrial and commercial buildings and roading for future-planned residential zones, stormwater run-o had to be really carefully thought through. The 10ha Te Wairepo Reserve wetland development not only solves that problem but will add signi icantly to the look and feel of the area, providing a recreational open area for people to enjoy.” “One of the challenges in building on the site is the infrastructure you have to design around. We’re talking a number of very large buildings and the services they need to operate. They all have to it together.” Other signi icant projects for BBO have included consenting, civil design and construction oversight for the Huntly section of the Waikato Expressway, the development of The Base shopping precinct for Tainui Group Holdings, rezoning and development of the Horotiu Industrial Park and church, community and residential development at Temple View for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. “We’re also currently overseeing construction of the newest bridge over the Waikato River, near the Hamilton Gardens for Hamilton City Council. Hamilton City and the Waikato Region is certainly undergoing a transformation and we’re proud to have been a part of making that happen.” Asked what makes BBO tick Chris says it’s a company small enough to feel like everyone knows each other reasonably well. “In that way it’s a great sta culture. While we have the size to deliver on the large projects we’re also small enough to do a two-lot subdivision and it’s the variety of size and type of project that makes the work so engaging.” We are a multi-disciplinary team of consultants based in Hamilton and Tauranga, focused on helping people just like you to achieve better development outcomes. • Infrastructure Engineering • Construction Monitoring • Structural Engineering • Water Resource Engineering • Tra ic & Transportation Engineering • Planning • Land Development lion in infrastructure, delivered through the PGF and the Infrastructure Reference Group (IRG), along with Tainui Group Holdings, who owned the land and invested funds as well as Hamilton City Council who provided $5million in funding toward all important transport infrastructure. The proximity of rail links is also significant with an estimate stating that upward of 65,000 truck journeys will be removed. Sitting within the golden triangle (Auckland-Hamilton-Tauranga), interest in leasing sites in the logistics precinct is strong, with over 70% of sites already leased or in negotiation. “I think Ruakura Superhub is just one of many examples of how Hamilton is really coming of age as a vital, exciting city to live in within a region that has much to offer,” says Jamie. Confirmed tenants includes K-Mart and Maersk, Big Chill, Waitomo Group and PBT. The inland port is a joint venture between TGH and the Port of Tauranga with a starting capacity of up to 60,000 container movements each year, growing to one million container movements when the staged port development is completed. Along with all that is happening at Ruakura, Jamie says Hamilton City has several other big developments currently underway including the Waikato Regional Theatre in Hamilton’s main street and adjacent to Waikato River, along with the Pan Pasifika hub which has also benefitted from provincial growth funding, to the tune of a $6million grant and a $2million loan. “I’m very proud of what has been achieved and is being done through partnerships between organisations, council and government. “The Ruakura Superhub and the Pan Pasifika hub are just two great examples of why this region is thriving.”