| 31 Ngā Pōtiki - Generation Homes: Manawa Papamoa Generation Homes has been increasingly assisting clients with higher density projects as the zoning rules have shifted. DEVELOPMENT PHONE 578 0538 proud t o be assoc i a t ed wi t h Gene ra t i on Homes RESIDENTIAL | COMMERCIAL | HEAT PUMPS | SECURITY Cnr St Johns Street & 10th Avenue, Tauranga www.macmurdoelectrical.co.nz 0800 337 842 07 579 4147 seeing people enjoying their new homes: “We’ve met some really neat people. They’re so humble and feel really grateful to have a new warm dry home.” Generation Homes has been increasingly assisting clients with higher density projects as the zoning rules have shifted to keep up with housing demand. It has been involved in a wide variety and number of developments from five-section subdivisions to large-scale 600-section subdivisions, retirement and lifestyle villages. “We have a proven track record of success working with a wide variety of organisations. These include retirement and lifestyle villages, councils, iwi, Kiānga Ora, boarding schools, farming conglomerates, charitable organisations, and private investors,” says Paul. He says that Generation Homes takes a collaborative partnership with its project partners to ensure goals are aligned into a single seamless process, ensuring that every step of the development is expertly managed to minimise risks and maximise benefits. “Our aim is that people enjoy better returns in a shorter time frame. “As a trusted Kiwi-owned residential construction company, we are committed to the development of quality, sustainable communities. “We have the expertise to project manage every aspect of a development, from concept to completion, and are dedicated to delivering exceptional results every time.”