Business North November 2023

58 | Construkt Architects & Fletcher Living: Te Uru Walk-up Terraces T T Karen Phelps Pōwhiri drives design inspiration Construkt Architects was engaged by Fletcher Living to develop the design of a mix of three storey apartments and walk-ups. ARCHITECTURE In recognition of its architectural excellence Construkt Architects has been awarded the Regional Award for Multi-Unit Housing at the 2023 Regional ADNZ Resene Architectural Design Awards for the Auckland-Northland region for the Te Uru Walk-up Terraces project. Located within the Hobsonville Point development in Auckland, the judging panel called Te Uru Terraces a ‘welcoming gateway’ and noted the project’s complex response to the challenge of creating quality medium-density housing. The Te Uru Precinct forms an entry into Hobsonville Point and aims to deliver varied housing typologies - in this case a mix of affordable housing typologies, mid and open market product. Construkt Architects was engaged by Fletcher Living to develop the design of a mix of three storey apartments and walk-ups, to meet a range of different buyers’ needs and offer architectural variety. “The Precinct’s framework plan required a number of aspects to be integrated into each development,” explains Project Architect and a director of Construkt Architects, Madushin Amarasekera. “Our client’s focus was to not only meet these but to also provide an efficient, economic product to satisfy the precinct’s liveability and sustainability aspirations.” He says the overall design response is characterised through a composition of geometric forms and meticulous management of both indoor and outdoor spaces. The view from Hobsonville Point Road is the development’s most prominent elevation and bookended by two marker buildings creating a strong visual anchor on either end, strategically emphasising street corners and showcasing an understanding of the urban block’s intrinsic value. Along with Hobsonville Point road there are three powerful street frontages that this development creates. “Through activation, the project seeks to animate each frontage by carefully positioning window openings, balconies, and pedestrian access ways onto the street where suitable,” explains Madushin. “Each elevation is designed to echo a rhythmic materiality and modulation when viewed collectively when viewed back from the street; accentuated by the mono-pitch roof forms and contrasting colour pallet. We have been supplying flooring in New Zealand homes and businesses for over 31 years. Proud to support Construkt Architects Ltd for the Te Uru Walk-up Terraces Call us on 0800 800 720 Email | Website Showrooms: 169 Marua Road, Mt Wellington, Auckland 1051 | 12 Adelaide Street Auckland City 1010 We construct Raft/Wa e type slabs, like Rib Raft, XPod, MAXRaft, Quickset and conventional slabs. If your slabs requires timber piles, concrete piles, screw piles or blockwork we can take care of it all. Whether you have a large scale project, or a one o job, get in touch with Smart Slabs today! 0508 GET SLAB (438 752) Retaining Piling Blockwork Waterproo ng Excavation Driveways & Footpaths Concrete Cutting Concrete Finishing Proudly supporting Fletcher Living