Business North November 2023

| 69 POOL INDUSTRY Auckland Inground Pools The Pool of the Year is a stunning centrepiece for a luxurious outdoor retreat at Coatesville. PROUD TO SUPPORT AUCKLAND INGROUND POOLS If you are interested in h contact us on 080 eating your pool 0 33 66 33 For custom heat pump water heater designer and builder Hot Water Heat Pumps, making a swimming pool warm is sometimes the easy part of the solution. This year, the irm has engineered an almost commercial solution for a residential situation, with an award-winning result. The project, for Auckland Inground Pools, was named Pool of the Year at the SPASA New Zealand Awards of Excellence 2023. This sizable pool which was to be uncovered and heated year-round to about 28°C required a large, 140kW custom-built heat pump from Hot Water Heat Pumps. “We specialise in custombuilt and custom engineered solutions for these weird and wonderful projects,” says Hot Water Heat Pumps sales engineer Patrick Meisel. “Being uncovered all year round presents a challenge in terms of keeping the pool warm, but due to the size of the pool we also had to think about howwe could provide an almost commercial solution for a residential situation.” In simple terms, the bigger the pool, the bigger the heat pump required to heat it, and the bigger the heat pump, the noisier it will be. In a commercial setting, there would typically be a dedicated space to site the heat pump, and it wouldn’t be in Hot Water Heat Pumps a suburban backyard. “We had to come up with a solution which wouldn’t disturb the owners of the property or their neighbours. We looked at a few di erent options and that’s how we landed on the custom heat pump we built.” While a standard heat pump blows air out of its top, taking the noise upwards and outwards and dispersing it in every direction, Hot Water Heat Pumps designed a custom solution with a horizontal discharge unit. “The fans blow the air out to one side rather than the top, and we’ve directed it so the air is blowing away from the property. The heat pump is sitting slightly below ground level and has a retaining wall in front of it with plantings and a hedge. These natural barriers absorb the sound quite well.” This system was even custom-coloured with a dark grey to blend in with its surrounds. This model of heat pump is not one Hot Water Heat Pumps has ever made before, and is such a good solution for this type of project, it is now part of the company’s standard repertoire.“Our forte is in high spec projects where a problem needs to be solved, and there is no-one else in the marketplace who is providing that sort of service with a fully customised system.”