132 | Making EV transitioning & charging easy for businesses Be smart. Phone 07 850 3238 114 Maui Street, Te Rapa, Hamilton, New Zealand www.we-ev.co.nz Work with the experts in EV chargers We.EV delivers smart looking, smart thinking EV charging infrastructure for residential, commercial and public customers. It is our aim to facilitate the transition to electric transportation with the latest and most innovative charging technology whilst making it as easy as possible for you. Home charging: o ering nationwide supply and installation of EECA-approved smart chargers for your home. With the smartest technology in the market, a We.EV home charger is fast, safe and great looking with market leading pricing. Work charging: installing smart chargers that are above and beyond worksafe requirements. Our 5-step approach includes advice, analysis, design and installation, followed by on-going support. Prior work for We.EV includes o ering our 5-step approach for large education facilities, extensive eet transitions and several council organisations. Included in this work is heavy vehicle (including bus) charging. » We.EV Live – our very own charger management platform. A software that is as powerful as the chargers themselves unlocking market leading insights and management tools. Whether it’s through the We.EV mobile app or online portal, all stakeholders have all useful information available to them from automated billing systems to load management of chargers. » Through We.EV Live employees can charge at home as well as work, and with easy reporting, the process of reimbursement and billing is easy and automated. » The hardware itself can optimise charging processes to align with periods of ample supply of electricity and low demand, typically occurring during o -peak hours. This technology preserves both local and national electricity grids and saves considerable investment.