Business North September 2024

| 25 TPB Properties: Iline Construction The Fairy Springs Road project features 15 two-bedroom townhouses, each around 85-90 square meters, with living areas on the ground floor and bedrooms upstairs. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT engineers | surveyors | planners 1180 Amohia Street, Rotorua Established in 1940, Cheal is a multi-disciplinary consultancy RIIHULQJ H[SHUWLVH DFURVV WKH ÀHOGV RI &LYLO (QJLQHHULQJ 6XUYH\LQJ Resource Management Planning and Geospatial services. Whatever your project, we have the team and the technology to see it through to completion. Ph: +64 7 349 8470 Proudly supporting TPB Properties Quality concrete products and expertise gained through our extensive industry experience. Rotorua 07 350 2460 Tauranga 07 578 7904 Web RENEWVATIONS 021 133 2591