Business North September 2024

60 | MacEwans looking forward to new premises Like many other industries theirs was adversely affected by the global pandemic. T T from page 58 MacEwans Pumping Systems CONTRACTING While MacEwans Pumping Systems import quality parts and machinery from all over the world as required, they also continue to ensure the casting, machining and assembling of their own pumps is all in New Zealand. “That way we have more control but also councils are looking for New Zealand manufactured products, and we’re committed to supporting New Zealand industry” says Tom. He’s looking forward to the move 1.5 kilometres along the road to their new workshop in Rosedale where the 850 sqms means a much bigger warehouse and workshop for their 11 employees to work in, plus they’ll be able to increase their stock holdings. “Having the extra stock allows us to be more confident that we’ll have what our customers need on time and when they want it. Delivery times are still long for us from overseas post Covid. They can be as much as six months,” explains Tom. They work largely in the industrial area but whether it’s petroleum, raw sewage or fresh, clean water MacEwans take pride in moving it wherever it needs to go in a safe, economical and efficient way. “They know that time lost may not only be expensive financially but could also have an environmental cost.“ MacEwans Pumps are looking forward to their new premises with its extra space reinforcing their capacity to meet their customers’ needs promptly and efficiently. “Having the extra stock allows us to be more confident that we’ll have what our customers need on time and when they want it.” Proud supplier to MacEwans Pumping Systems