72 | MANUFACTURING Dixon Manufacturing T T Sue Russell Business steady despite the economy Today, the company’s activities extend well beyond focussing on the marine sector. Jane Warren, from Warkworth-based Dixon Manufacturing Ltd, describes their current business climate as steady despite somewhat of a slow-down across the sectors the company supplies services to. Jane and partner Andrew Wilkes took over the then Dixon brand of stainless steel marine products in 2006 and in successive years have grown their product range and services to supply different sectors beside the Marine Industry. “Once we started to grow it became apparent, we needed larger premises than the original garage near the historic cement works on the Mahurangi River, where Neil Dixon established the business. Staying in Warkworth was crucial to retain our highly skilled staff and being part of the community, we experienced several moves to accommodate our growth, finally settling in a large premises we moved to in 2014, this was well suited to the scope of work we undertake, it had a history in the area as firstly a cheese factory, and then where the Rodney Times was printed.” Jane says. Dixon Manufacturing Ltd engages a highly skilled mixed team of 20, including engineers, welders, fabricators, CNC and machinists and waterjet operators. Today, the company’s activities extend well beyond focussing on the marine sector, with sales in that quarter amounting to less than 5% of business activity. “Shifting to the larger premises means we can take on bigger projects such as building pontoons and access platforms, playground installations. We’re set up with all the equipment we need to provide our clients with complete design and fabrication services.” And some ‘out of the bag’ projects sometimes appear, including a huge circular swing sited near the Remarkables at Queenstown, which propels those brave enough to give it a go, through a huge swing arc. Among the raft of services the company provides are stainless steel bending and rolling, a sophisticated CNC machining division, complete design and fabrication, water-jet cutting and a full complement of welding technologies. The decision to bring componentry manufacturing in-house, rather than relying on other suppliers was made possible through the purchase of industrial water-jet equipment. Jane says this decision was a game-changer for the business, enabling componentry to be designed and manufactured under their roof, not only meeting their own project needs but supplying that service to other customers. “It just made us much more self-sufficient and reduced our reliance on others and therefore vulnerability. That was a big positive development for our business.” Today, the company has three water-jet machines of various sizes and capabilities, operated by very experienced staff. “It’s meant we’ve grown our customer base even further. The machines are flat-out running all day.” Jane says one of the strengths of the business is the fact that the workforce is very stable, with several having worked in the company for over 10 years. “We provide keen hard-working people with opportunities to gain their welding tickets and to learn on the job and as such, we really feel we are contributing to the local economy and community.” The company has just taken possession of a tube-tapering machine, one of very few in the Southern Hemisphere which will enable them to provide custom and production stainless steel stanchions in any quantities. And with a history that began in the marine sector, Jane says that future work will still be around for them in terms of upgrading aging infrastructure around marinas and still supplying the original “Dixon” Brand of products together with more construction work and even artwork. “Looking back on our business journey we’re pleased with how we have navigated the ups and downs of the economy and diversified our product and service range so that we’ve always got plenty of work on.” Proudly celebrating 75 years in business 1947 – 2022 W W W . V U L C A N . C O Customers are at the forefront of our priorities, ˔ˡ˗ ˧˛˜˦ ˜˦ ˥˘Є˘˖˧˘˗ ˜ˡ ˢ˨˥ ˣ˥ˢˠ˜˦˘ ˢ˙ ˗˘˟˜˩˘˥˜ˡ˚ ˜ˡ ˙˨˟˟ʟ ˢˡ ˧˜ˠ˘ʡ Your trusted, customer focused supplier of carbon, stainless, engineering steels and aluminium. GET IN TOUCH WE OFFER A WIDE RANGE OF COLOURS AT HIBISCUS POWDER COATING PRE TREATMENT POWDER COATING OUR SERVICES WE ARE PLEASED TO SUPPORT DIXON MANUFACTURING hibiscus powdercoating Silverdale +64 9 426 1318 sales@hbpowdercoating.co.nz