Business North September 2024

90 | Reginald Baker Architects T T Kelly Deeks Enjoying the design process It takes time for the architect and client to build trust, and for the architect to understand the client’s deeper aspirations for a project. “One of my favourite things about architecture is the process of getting to know clients, taking the time to understand not just the functional aspects of their brief but the more intangible aspects that inform a deeper architectural outcome.” ARCHITECTURE Always one to rise to a challenge, Auckland architect Reginald Baker is enjoying navigating the challenges of the recession by designing smaller spaces in a more meaningful way to meet the functional and aesthetic requirements of his customers. Having grown up in small country towns in eastern Australia, Reginald was a wide-eyed 16 year old when he realised what he was going to do with his life. Strong in art, but also in maths and science, he found a way to use all of these in architecture. “Dad was managing a farm where the owner had just built a beautifully designed, Japanese inspired architectural home,” Reginald says. “Growing up in the country, I had limited exposure to architecture, but when I walked into that home I experienced something completely new and I knew what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.” Touched by Reginald’s reaction, the home owner contacted his architect, the renowned Vivianne Marston, and arranged a meeting. Reginald secured a two-week work experience placement at Marston Architects in Sydney and it was here he discovered there could be an opportunity to spend his life interacting with clients and designing them beautiful bespoke homes. “One of my favourite things about architecture is the process of getting to know clients, taking the time to understand not just the functional aspects of their brief but the more intangible aspects that inform a deeper architectural outcome,” he says. “Understanding the individuals and family as whole, their family culture, history and story - this insight is embedded into the architectural outcome to create a unique home for a specific family.” He says a home design based on a functional brief will often lead to a pretty generic outcome. It takes time for the architect and client to build trust, and for the architect to understand the client’s deeper aspirations for a project, only then does the design truly become a home. “The final design is not necessarily what the client originally expected, often it’s quite different, but through the design process the client and the architect usually discover an outcome that is far more unique and specific to them.” Reginald returned home to New Zealand in 2016 and started Reginald Baker Architects in 2022. His ethos is collaborative, and throughout the project he works with the client, consultants, and builders on his mission to find the best solutions. Reginald says a great idea can come from anyone in the project team. He likes to work closely with builders before and during construction, ensuring the whole team understands the architectural ambition and intent. This empowers the construction team to lean into their craftsmanship and skill, ultimately culminating in a piece of beautiful architecture. Reginald says the current recession has made every client more cautious. While new New Zealand homes have typically been among the largest in the world, today’s clients have been forced to think about whether they need more space, or whether less space could be designed in a more functional and meaningful way. “This is leading to some really interesting projects that are very rewarding, and I’m really enjoying them.” • We offer complete packages, fully managed from design stage to completion • Our clients needs are our number one focus • Small, competent team ensures quality control • Fully licenced building practitioner with over 35 years experience • Solid reputation for service and communication creates a stress free experience for our clients • Superior resale values are achieved for our clients due to bespoke custom builds • Attention to detail, and superior craftmanship is at the forefront of all our projects 021 525 689 Proudly Supporting Reginald Baker Architects