| 13 bringing improved outcomes Farm project participants are trialling equipment such as nitrogen sensors to save on nitrogen fertiliser with associated environmental and economic benefits. IRRIGATION » Waimakariri Irrigation Ltd by the MPI’s Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures fund along with Environment Canterbury, Ballance and DairyNZ. Farm project participants are trialling equipment such as nitrogen sensors to save on nitrogen fertiliser with associated environmental and economic benefits; subsurface drip irrigation systems that provide water directly to the root zone and are more efficient than traditional irrigation; and an easy-to-use tool that shares a broad range of data that can be used to make better farming decisions, especially on irrigation. A recent survey of WIL’s water race network showed the network’s aquatic ecology is in good health. Projects across the scheme, led by WIL shareholders, are helping to protect and enhance biodiversity at the Cust River Catchment, Burgess Stream, Hunters Stream, Springvale wetland and Eyre River tributaries. In turn, local schoolchildren are learning about biodiversity within the irrigation scheme area. For example, a group of Swannanoa School students recently went on a trip to a lifestyle block in Eyrewell Forest to learn about eels (tuna) and their reliance on invertebrates as a food source. As in previous years, WIL continues to invest in automation across the scheme with three new gates installed over 2021/22, with a similar number planned this year. A screen wash system at the intake was successfully implemented and ongoing investment is bringing incremental improvements in safety and operational efficiency. Proud to support Waimakariri Irrigation Ltd Farm Irrigation Effluent Infrastructure Design Consents & compliance Matai consultants provide services for Irrigation schemes and farmers across Canterbury & New Zealand. Environment management | Board reports and support | Farm environment planning GIS management | Project work | Farm systems advice and nutrient management Scheme race and infrastructure design | Irrigation management training | ESG reporting Consents and compliance | Irrigation and Effluent design, troubleshooting and evaluation... and much more. ProvidingWaimakariri Irrigation Ltd with Environmental manager services since 2015. We teamup with others to provide: • Biodiversity waterway and riparian planting management and design services • Technical hydrogeology services • Engineering and structural Visit us in Rangiora 027 731 4433 www.matai.nz GET IN TOUCH!