Business Rural Autumn 2023

| 5 FORESTRY » Venture Forestry Ltd Venture Forestry Limited now have five staff, plus two contract staff and a contract work force of 20 to 30 which goes up to more like 60 in the planting season. • to page 6 Log Cartage 03 215 9460 Invercargill & Dunedin David Gale 0274 989 205 Graeme Gale 03 489 7322 Email: Quality Guaranteed Why Wait, Call: Nationwide suppliers of the most commonly grown forestry species, Radiata pine, Douglas Fir and Eucalyptus trees, as well as a range of other minor species for shelter belts, hedging and riparian/re-vegetation plantings. 41 Hilda Road, Edendale 9893 03 206 6665 Log Cartage Specialists Proud to be associated with Venture Forestry Ltd as a local Log Cartage Contractor Fleetwood Manager: Maurice Adam 021 355 713 33 Limeworks Road, Milburn It’s grown from that into all aspects of forestry: planting, harvesting, silviculture; and because I’ve been involved in the ETS since its inception in 2008 we’ve gathered a lot of knowledge along the way which is relevant to a lot of small to medium forest owners,” says Mort. New Zealand is divided into 12 regions each of which have their own generic “look-up tables”, estimating the amount of carbon sequestered in that area by its various forests, measured by age-class and species. Much of the inventory work Venture Forestry Limited did (and does), replacing the generic with accurate measurements, showed that in fact the amount of carbon sequestered was greater than had been calculated in the generic tables. Venture Forestry Limited now have five staff, plus two contract staff and a contract work force of 20 to 30 which goes up to more like 60 in the planting season. Last season they planted some 2000 hectares of forest seedlings, 75 % of which is new forest. “For example we manage Port Blakely’s Estate which is 7000 hectares out of Dunedin. They were our first annual contract and they remain one of our biggest customers,” says Mort. “We don’t harvest their trees but we do for some of our other clients. Basically we do everything involved in forestry from preparation to harvesting, forest valuations through to ETS advice and management, selling and trading carbon credits for owners, and investment advice for new projects. We’ve got expertise in all those areas on staff.” Having seen first-hand the difference between the generic look-up tables and accurately measured carbon sequestration Mort believes taking forest “I set up a forest inventory business in 2011 really, going to predetermined locations and measuring stem (trunk) heights and diameters to calculate their carbon.