74 | Roughridge’s expanded irrigation system Karen Phelps MEAT & WOOL » Roughridge Farm Rough Ridge Farm continues to invest in infrastructure and technology to farm more efficiently, for the benefit of the environment, people and animals, says Fraser McKnight who owns the farm in a 50/50 partnership with his parents Murray and Sharon. The farm is located in Ida Valley east of the Manuherikia Valley in Central Otago and in the past couple of years significant investment has been made in expanding the fixed grid irrigation system, which now covers 40ha, meaning more feed produced and water used efficiently. The system targets long throw radius, high water volume and soft watering of crop and pasture. Strategic k-line and wild flooding supplement it. The farm has a 19,000 cubic metre dam, which feeds the sprinkler system. The family has just installed a new wireless control system with moisture meters that will be added before next season. It’s been a massive investment over a number of years but with big benefits giving the farm increased resilience and more certainty that it can get ewes up to target weight at mating time. A new pumping system has transitioned from diesel to an electric pump with a diesel generator. Before the farm could run eight sprinklers at a time now it can run 16-18 so it’s halved the watering time and is using less fuel as well. The system has an automatic start and stop time so all irrigating can be finished at night. When 1015mm of evaporation is possible on a hot windy day this makes a real difference so the farm can make the best use of water. Animal welfare is the biggest driver on the farm, says Fraser. Covered yards have been built on the back of the wool shed for ease of shearing and in adverse weather events can put sheep under cover. The farm has also got a sheep paring area under construction to help eradicate footrot. Around 4km of shelter belts have been planted, giving the farm around 20km total with plans to put more in for environmental and biodiversity reasons. An EID system makes it a lot easier to manage stock. Investment has also been made in Advantage adlib grain feeders, which control the amount of Puketoi Angus Bull Sale - Thursday 18th May, 2:00pm www.angusnz.com/venue/puketoi-angus/ Puketoi Angus Phone Kyle 021 175 7746 │ Geoff 027 444 7816 NEW SALE DATE 64 215 9190 idavalley@hotmail.co.nz 486 Moa Creek Road Poolburn Proudly Providing with top quality 1/4 bred rams Roughridge Farm The system targets long throw radius, high water volume and soft watering of crop and pasture. feed dispensed. This utilises grain efficiently and with the feeders only needing filling once a month cuts down time spent significantly on this job. Fraser’s grandfather Irv purchased Rough Ridge in 1954. Fraser’s parents still live on the farm and father and son work side by side. The farm is a 900ha sheep and beef unit with 60% of the farm on steep hill that rises from 480-940 metres above sea level. The farm carries 2600 Polwarth ewes and 80 Angus cattle. Fraser says that Polwarths thrive in a mix of hot and cold temperatures, with low to high rainfall, either hill and high country, or lowland environments, making them a versatile breed. He says that the cattle side of the operation complements the overall farm objectives and they are used to keep the grass down and diversify the business providing cash flow at key times of the year when they are sold as stores.