| 75 The farm is a 900ha sheep and beef unit with 60% of the farm on steep hill that rises from 480-940 metres above sea level. MEAT & WOOL » Roughridge Farm “It’s been a massive investment over a number of years but with big benefits giving the farm increased resilience and more certainty.” ∙ Designed and manufactured locally in Dunedin. ∙ Throw radius of 33m at 4 bar (58 psi). ∙ Minimumoptimumoperating pressure of 3.5 bar (51 psi). ∙ Sprinkler delivery volume of 3.5 litres per second at 4 bar. ∙ Application rate of 8.98 mm of water per hour. ∙ Post spacings of 41m. ∙ Average of 5.5 - 6 sprinklers per ha. ∙ Recommended post size of 125mm x 2.7m, with 1.8m above ground. ∙ Distribution uniformity of 92.65% in calm conditions. ∙ The system can be controlled both by wireless and battery controllers with user friendly programming, the controllers have the ability to accurately control the volumes of water to each area of the property, meaning watering times are infinitely variable, allowing for different soil types and flexible application rates. SSS Irrigation Ltd Fixed Grid Irrigation complete with ProvenWireless System NZ MADE www.sssirrigation.co.nz Ph: 0508 777 465 Peter 027 433 3522 | (03) 448 6378 | www.peterlyonshearing.co.nz Servicing wool growing clients in Southland, Otago & South Canterbury PETER LYON SHEARING THERE WHEN IT COUNTS ph.co.nz 03 477 9923 Your team for: • Business structuring • • Succession planning • Tax planning Andrew 027 224 7511 Tracy 027 493 4422 www.matakanui.co.nz Matakanui Station Matakanui Polwarths have proven results. Our commitment is to produce a true dual purpose animal that delivers both fine wool and meat, and is backed by solid genetic EBV’s. The Polwarth is established as one of the most versatile and successful breeds.