Business Rural Autumn 2023

| 77 Delivering certainty on feed efficiency The Te Mania herd are genuine hill country cows that live in the hills for more time than they do on the flats. Mustering the Te Mania cows home from the hill country. Kim Newth Te Mania’s recent investment in innovative research feed pad technology is poised to pay dividends at the stud’s 2 Year Angus Bull Sale in June and on into the future. Stud manager Will Wilding is excited by the quality of bulls this year, as he prepares to make selections for the catalogue in April. “They seem to be getting better and better in their appearance and are very quiet and settled,” he observes. At Te Mania, young bulls are run under pressure in large groups and regularly weighed, tested and inspected to determine which ones stand out from the rest. Adding a new layer of certainty for buyers at this June’s sale will be the inclusion of internationally proven Vytelle feed efficiency EBVs. It is an exciting step change, linking feed intake to feed efficiency performance that can be measured against global benchmarks. “You will now be able to see where each animal ranks globally and get that bigger picture.” This new EBV data is being generated using a state-of-the-art Vytelle GrowSafe controlled feed pad system, installed last year in a previously disused feedlot. Te Mania’s investment in this system follows their partnership with the Grothe family from Germany. Thomas Grothe has been very supportive of the thriving stud business, backing innovation to help the operation keep pace with a rapidly changing marketplace. At Te Mania’s new feed efficiency centre, feed intake is being precisely measured and recorded. The data collected is then used to generate a Net Feed Intake figure for each animal. This type of hard data has a powerful role to play in achieving gains in feed efficiency – and profitability – as well as reductions in methane production. MEAT & WOOL » Te Mania Stud Te Mania’s bulls first began going through the Vytelle Growsafe system last September, with the feed intake of yearling heifers now also being analysed through the unit. “Once we can identify what females are best – after they’ve had their first calf naturally and passed all the normal standards for our stud – then the top percentage of heifers will be put through an embryo programme to further accelerate our efficiency gains. “It’s certainly creating quite a bit of interest in the industry. It’s a disruptive technology that we’re excited about.” As a result of the partnership, Te Mania has also expanded the farm area by another 900ha, with the new One Tree Hill property being used to finish cattle. “Last year we finished 300 steers at Te Mania. It’s very insightful for us as stud breeders to have a commercial wing to the operation and getting a hands on feel for what’s valuable to the commercial farmer.” Stud calves also go to the new block and spend their first winter there, with rolling hills for them to roam in while still being run in big groups. Meanwhile, Will is grateful for the support of stock manager Livi Harkerss, who joined Te Mania’s team two-and-a-half years ago. “She’s doing a fantastic job, so I can focus more on breeding and have that greater oversight now that we’re expanding.” At One Tree Hill, Haami Pirini is also doing a sterling job as block manager. “Everyone on our team is contributing to the high standard we are achieving here.” Contact: Will Wilding, M: 027 826 4015, E: TWO YEAR BULL SALE Wednesday 21st June, 1pm