Business Rural Autumn 2023

88 | Amuri Transport invests for growth Amuri transport loading container. Kim Newth Amuri Transport Ltd is well-established in the Canterbury region, with new investment in the business all about ensuring local growers, farmers and rural suppliers get the best possible service, now and into the future. With a solid reputation for reliability, Amuri Transport offers a full range of rural transport solutions from livestock transportation and bulk cartage to fertiliser spreading, general freight and other services. Managing Director Eddie Swain, who bought into the business as part-owner in late 2020, is now positioning the company for further growth, thanks to proactive investment decisions. “We’re pushing on the bulk cartage side at the moment and have just put a brand-new hydraulic blower unit on the road, fitted to one of our existing trucks, which is suitable for carting grain and some types of fertiliser, urea, and PK. It is self-unloading, meaning it can be used to blow a load off the truck and into the silo. It means we can now service our clients a lot better.” This versatile blower unit was built locally in Hornby. Amuri Transport also put a new fertiliser spreading truck on the road last spring and will be adding another new spreader truck going into next season – “it’s a complete new set-up, a 6x6 Scania.” All the existing spreader trucks are Spreadmark certified and equipped with GPS and modern mapping capabilities. Amuri Transport traces its origins back to 1988, the year that NZ transport company Transpac went into receivership. A group of drivers from Culverden and Waiau refused to call it quits and set up Amuri Transport to provide a five-daya-week freight service between Culverden and Christchurch. RURAL SERVICES » Amuri Transport Their determination was rewarded with support from local farmers, farm supply companies and other rural businesses, whose loyalty through the years has proved invaluable. Eddie and his wife Sandra share a strong background in farming and the rural transport sector. They set up E.D. Swain in Dunsandel in 1987, offering stock and bulk cartage along with rural contracting services. Eddie grew up on a Southland sheep and beef farm and moved to Canterbury when he was 16. From then on, he worked on farms and got involved in rural transport. Sandra spent her childhood in North Canterbury, later moving to Dunsandel where her father owned and operated his own trucking business. The couple bought their first truck – a 1970 Mercedes Banz LK 1418 – in 1987. “I am pleased that we now have this involvement with Amuri Transport, as the two companies complement each other so well; we work trucks between the two. It is a win-win for rural transport across the region.” All up, Amuri Transport has a team of 22 truck drivers, including the company’s other co-owners Mike and Peter Murphy, and Kevin Crean. All are well-trained and experienced for their work in the rural sector. New spreader drivers and stock drivers receive six-weeks of training with another experienced driver before working on their own. Amuri Transport has its own fully equipped workshop next to the freight shed, employing two mechanics. It means the whole fleet is well-maintained and reliable. As well as taking care of Amuri Transport’s needs, the workshop team provides mechanical services for other local contractors. · Service the North and South Island in our fully equipped workshops · Manufacturers of Aluminium Stock Crates Proud to support Amuri Transport S T O C K C R A T E S FEILDING TIMARU Ph06 323 3629 • • Blair (South Island) 027 690 0724 Brodie (North Island) 021 0294 1293 Ph 03 688 2274 Proud to support Amuri Transport