| 93 3 bay enclosed. Multipurpose small buildings are re-locatable, skid mounted and come in a kitset form. “We have a very rigid quality control programme in place, which ensures a high standard of graded dimensions, straightness, and a smooth finish across all our products.” RURAL SERVICES » Great Southern - Timaru Knowing what’s best in the long run Freeman Roo ng Timaru combines extensive local expertise and exceptional service with a broad and innovative product range, enabling you to enjoy the bene ts of best practical solutions and purchasing power. The team is predominantly a manufacturing supplier for new roofs, reroofs, sheds, factories, fencing etc but also o er free measure/quotes, take o s & professional advice services. Freeman Roo ng Timaru has your roo ng/cladding completetly covered - from ‘top top bottom’. www.empak.co.nz 03 338 6296