Business Rural Autumn 2023

94 | Forestry waste reused as calf bedding Harmer Logging delivers a range of logging and support services. Kelly Deeks Mid-Canterbury contracting firm Harmer Earthmoving has found a use for the forestry slash and low grade timber generated from its recent work in wilding pine control, bringing it back home, storing it for 12 months, then having it turned into calf bedding then delivered to local farmers by Quigley Contracting. Harmer Earthmoving has become an extremely diverse business with specialisation in forestry work, land development, effluent ponds and systems, irrigation and dams, subdivision and roading, mining, and civil works, and the supply of supplies a wide range of agricultural lime and dairy track from three quarries in the Methven/Mt Somers area with Mt Hutt Lime. Harmer Earthmoving has been heavily involved in wilding pine control since 2018, after the establishment of the National Wilding Conifer Control Programme in 2016. “We’ve cleared huge areas,” says Harmer Earthmoving managing director Jon Harmer. “It has resulted in a lot of slash and low grade timber which we want to utilise, so we stockpile up to 15,000 tons of logs. Last year we made around 10,000 cubic metres of calf bedding out of log grade chip logs, and we’re also supplying lowgrade timber into the large firewood markets. Many wilding pines have been wasted through other eradication and containment projects, so it is great to see this pest now having some purpose.” Harmer Logging delivers a range of logging and support services, from harvest planning, operational management, and log cartage. “The choice of logging system used to fell trees and remove the logs is dictated by factors such as the size of the area to be harvested, access to the site, the slope of the land and the type of soil,” Jon says. “We harness our local knowledge and expertise and our specialised plant and machinery to deliver innovative project solutions which get the job done in both logging and earthmoving. We have made a significant investment in our plant, machinery, and technology, and the installation of full GPS tracking systems in key fleet assets has delivered increased accuracy and efficiency.” Meanwhile, Mt Hutt Lime is supplying more than 100,000 tons of four different types of agricultural limestone and claystone products every year, with a full time tracking team to keep up with demand year-round. “We’ve got some of the highest quality “We harness our local knowledge and expertise and our specialised plant and machinery to deliver innovative project solutions which get the job done in both logging and earthmoving..” RURAL SERVICES » Harmer Earthmoving Ltd dry lime in mid-Canterbury, with test results ranging from 90% to 98%. When the quality of lime is so high, less is required. Compared to another lime in the high 80%s, ours will save you more than 10%. When you are applying thousands of dollars worth *CALL OUT FEES MAY APPLY Hose and Fittings AGENTS FOR LINCOLN LUBRICATION SYSTEMS MID CANTERBURY | 17 JB Cullen Drive, ASHBURTON | Ph 03 308 8848 SOUTH CANTERBURY | 114 Hilton Highway, TIMARU | Ph 03 934 7173 PROUD TO SUPPORT HARMER EARTHMOVING LTD FOR ALL YOUR HYDRAULIC REQUIREMENTS 24 hours 7 days service of lime, that’s a big saving on both product and spreading costs.” Mt Hutt Lime ranges from a damp lime to an extremely dry lime for applications on windier days, and also an extremely fine to slightly more coarse product to change the speed of its reactions. Mt Hutt Lime has a focus on delivering the highest quality product and therefore its product is regularly tested to ensure the right grade is delivered and we stand behind this!