Business Rural North Summer 2021
| 17 Winter safe with good spring growth Nigel with his father Peter Everton. Nigel Everton with wife Lucy. S eeking continuous improvement by adapting systems and management has become a benchmark of Lakeview Farm in recent years. The 1430ha/1050ha effective generational dry stock & farm near Levin is owned and established by the Everton & Rolfe families which include Peter Everton and Jeanette Rolfe and Peter’s son Nigel. Nigel returned to the farm eight years ago and manages it in conjunction with stock manager 27 year-old Jason Barber who has worked for the Everton’s six years. Lakeview borders Lake Horowhenua and is situ- ated about three kilometres from the coast. This sandy loam soil type means it is winter safe and provides good spring growth, but can dry off very quickly after Christmas which necessitates destocking. The farm traditionally bought in 2000 in-lamb Romney ewes, and 350 cows, but these num- bers have varied as the Everton’s have worked to achieve the best balance for the farm system. “We originally used to have 2,500 ewes and put them to the ram ourselves, but this area is quite high in exposure to [facial] eczema; seven years ago we got hit by it quite badly.” Consequently the farm manager at the time advocated for not carrying that many sheep during the high risk period. “That worked, but we’ve moved towards reduc- ing those numbers again; this season we ran only 700 ewes, we are focusing more on the cattle side and we’ve been trading lambs on top of that. “We planned this maybe two years ago, we’ve gone through our first season like that and things are looking really good numbers-wise. “The farm’s got a lot more grass on it for this time of the year and we’ve come through winter really well.” This change has been complemented with a fo- cus on paddock division, for example five large hay paddocks were reconfigured into 26 cells of two hectares each on which stock are which are grazed for two or three days. While these changes were implemented on the initiative of the previous farm manager, this kind of management is reflective of Nigel’s former career as a manufacturing engineer. RURAL PEOPLE » Lakeview Farm Russell Fredric This training and experience has been a strong influence and means Nigel sees the farm from a manufacturing perspective. He especially embraces the lean manufacturing process which has at its core the philosophy of the seven wastes which comprise over-production, inventory, waste, defects, over-processing, waiting and transport. “We are really running with a focus on pastures, on growth rates, keeping out costs low and keeping it simple.” Also under the Everton family’s ownership is a 170ha, 280 cow dairy unit which is run by 50:50 sharemilkers Chris and Morgan Braddick. Under his watch and with good pasture manage- ment Chris has been able to increase the herd’s production by an impressive 30% during the past three to four seasons. Of Lakeview’s total area of 1430ha 170ha is in various stages of forestry. Peter initially established some forestry to control wind blown sand and these trees, which are of varying age classes, have been progressively harvested over the past five years. There have also been additional plantings with funding assistance from Horizons in low production areas which had the potential for erosion. Because it borders the lake strict environmental controls are imposed, however the family’s work in protecting the environment was recognised in last year’s Ballance Farm Environment Awards in which Lakeview received the Margaret Matthews Trophy for Commitment to Sustainability. “We’ve moved towards reducing those numbers again; this season we ran only 700 ewes, we are focusing more on the cattle side and we’ve been trading lambs on top of that.” Agricultural Contractors - Levin Contact Garry 027 232 2380 Rowan 027 452 2562 Serving the Horowhenua since 1924 • Fertiliser spreading • Cultivation • All bulk silage requirements • Round baling & wrapping • Bulk cartage • Square baling & wrapping • Hay - large rounds / large squares • Stockists of Hatuma Lime • Ravensdown consignment store with certified weigh bridge SERVICES OFFERED: