Business Rural North Summer 2021
20 | RURAL PEOPLE » Atihau-Te Pa Station Producing great cadets a focus at Te Pa Block manager Nick Dieghton, Te Pa manager Jimmy Doolan, cadet Ben Waiwai, block manager Wes Johnson, Federal General Foti Ioannidis and block manager Josh Chrystall. Sue Russell T e Pa Station, in the back-blocks of Whanganui district, is a sprawling piece of land, owned by the Atihau/Whanganui Incorporation extending over 5700ha, with an effective platform of 4300ha. The station is one of several agricultural entities in the region governed by the Incorporation and for these past two years Jimmy Doolan has been its manager. Jimmy came to Te Pa, having worked on Kaiangaroa Pastoral Ltd in Taihape. Helping Jimmy is a team of six permanent staff, four teams of dogs and two general hands. Te Pa Station sits at an altitude ranging between 400 metres and 800 metres and carries 40,000 stock units, spread across sheep and cattle. The contour is flat, easy hill to steep and the soils are volcanic/ash. Water is supplied through a mix of reticulation infrastructures, creeks and dams. “We lamb about 17,500 ewes and we dock 130% to the ram. We also lamb all our hoggets. We also have 1150 Angus cows. Ideally we try to operate 100% breeding to finishing and 90% of our heifers go to Angus Pure and Alliance Hand Pick Programme,” Jimmy explains. The maternal flock is Romney-based with 30% of the ewe flock terminal. “Everything is on a bigger scale here and I’m thoroughly enjoying this role. I have a really sup- portive CEO, Business Manager and Board I report to. They are very open to new ideas.” Especially, Jimmy says, his Business Manager has been invaluable to supporting him coming into the new role. “She has a wealth of experience in farming but she is also extremely flexible; nothing is a major • to page 22 David Hildreth - 027 468 0281 Marcus Hildreth - 027 353 0405 GUARANTEED QUALITY & PERFORMANCE