Business Rural North Summer 2021
22 | RURAL PEOPLE » Atihau-Te Pa Station • from page 20 problem.” Asked whether he has plans to move off the property in the foreseeable future Jimmy says he is very happy to stay. A focus has been in achieving greater production from a smaller number of stock and Jimmy says that with subdivision and pasture management it’s possible to do this. As an Atihau/Whanganui farm, Te Pa Station receives agricultural cadets. The scheme is called Awhi Whenua and was originally a two year course has recently been extended to three, to give those learning a more solid grounding. The first year is worked at Te Pa Station, under the guidance of su- pervisors and when this year is completed students go on to another property for a further two years. “It’s designed to give them a good basic ground- ing and the opportunity to pursue a particular farming pathway and it works really well. We find it extremely satisfying to be training up the next generation of workers on the land.” Another change has been to offer an apprentice- ship basically, which means the students receive payment for working while they learn. This adds value for those training on the farm. So far, the scheme has supported three sheep and beef cadets, two apiary cadets and one dairy trainee. “The success of the scheme is driven by the vision to create a reputation for producing great cadets,” Jimmy explains. Jimmy feels this training model will really make a huge difference to the quality and number of trainees coming through with really valuable learn- ing experiences behind them that they can take out into the world. “That’s our ideal! That they learn their basic skills and go off and get involved in the part of agriculture that really engages them.” Solid grounding for ag cadets Te Pa Station sits at an altitude ranging between 400 metres and 800 metres and carries 40,000 stock units. “It’s designed to give them a good basic grounding and the opportunity to pursue a particular farming pathway and it works really well. We find it extremely satisfying to be training up the next generation of workers on the land.” Ovation proudly supporting Atihau - TePa Station DA WINDLE LTD Raetihi for all your livestock transport needs phone kerry on 027 222 3431 Taihape Honda Proud Supplier of TePa Station 06 388 1211 89 Hautapu Street, Taihape w w w . o t o r o h o n d a . c o . n z Proud to support Te Pa Station