Business Rural North Summer 2021

| 39 attract, retain and train local talent RURAL PEOPLE » Rural Contractors New Zealand The seasonal nature of contracting is a barrier for people entering the industry (top). Rural Contractors New Zealand CEO Andrew Olsen (below). “I don’t think accreditation is at the level we would like it to be yet”. that’s happening now and I’m looking forward to seeing the outcomes of the deliberations of the workforce committee and what they come up with.” The development of a self-regulated accredita- tion scheme conceived and implemented by RCNZ members has enhanced professional standing with farmers, and Andrew says those members who have achieved that status are in high demand. “There’s a real desire to drive up our professional standing and I would like to think that our members can participate in a reasonably straight forward accreditation process both in the agrichemical side and the cultivation side. I don’t think accreditation is at the level we would like it to be yet though. It doesn’t mean they aren’t doing the job profes- sionally; it’s about the value they place on that ac- creditation. Each year the annual conference shows there’s a lot of innovation, shared knowledge and experience within the membership. But what we * To page 40 • Grass Silage • Maize Silage & Harvesting • Maize Planting • Round Baling-with Krone Comprima Combi Pack • Full Cultivation Services • Undersowing • Direct Drilling • Earth Works • Farm Race Work • General Excavation Work • Truck Cartage DAN 0211554975 PEARCEAGCONTRACTING@GMAIL.COM Pearce Ag Contracting Ltd. Profile your farm with Business Rural