Business Rural North Summer 2021
40 | RURAL PEOPLE » Rural Contractors New Zealand The early John Deere tractor is now dwarfed by its modern counterpart . need to face is what is our relevance and what are the milestones going to be in the future?” Providing a voice at the top tables at central and local government, RCNZ has the respect and ears of the decision makers. “That said we don’t always get what we ask for, not yet anyway,” adds Andrew. “There’s a connectivity to central and local gov- ernment which is really important — whether we’re talking immigration at the central government level or a proposed change to a town plan at a local level where rural contracting might fit into that. Without question, invaluable knowledge has been handed down through the generations of contrac- tors and RCNZ input on change and developments is essential.” Following two very difficult seasons and labour shortages, RCNZ has benefited from the Covid-19 Response and Recovery Fund to assist members suffering from mental health. “We know some of our members are really hurt- ing. We know they will act as anyone would to save their business, but in doing so what is the cost? We know that mental health is a real issue and we are acutely aware that we have to try and get everyone through intact, mentally as well as physi- cally. It is more typical than not that very proud hard working people say they are fine, and that is the nut we are trying to crack. You might be, but we just want to help to under- stand that you are really fine. We have some information that we will be sharing with the members over the next couple of weeks in that regard.” “We know some of our members are really hurting. We know they will act as anyone would to save their business, but in doing so what is the cost?” * From page 39 AGRICULTURAL CONTRACTORS Miers Contractors (1995) Ltd P 07 333 8259 Gordy 021 593 163 Mark 021 948 472 E 198 Butcher Road, RD2, Reporoa • Harvesting • Cultivation • Supplements for sale & supply Undersowing (all pastures and crops) • Earth moving • Truck cartage • Balage & Hay • Effluent Management Call Arron Cook on 027 498 71047 For all your Ag Contracting needs GB Contracting Phone 06 273 4264 Mobile 0274 526 717 DB & SMDavies Partnership Dean 027 6411 620 | 06 862 5514 AGRICULTURAL CONTRACTING PLANTING LAND LEASE BOOM SPRAYING SIDEDRESSING AUTUMN REGRASSING LARGE & SMALL AREA CULTIVATION Conan Rowlands Contracting Phone Conan on 027 415 7017 or email For all grass and maize harvesting, round and square baling, wrapping, cultivation, maize planting, drilling, hedge mulching. Office 09 433 1733 Eden 021 0842 6587 Warren 027 391 4777 HAY · SILAGE • SPRAYING CULTIVATION • SEEDING EXPERIENCED AGRICULTURAL CONTRACTORS Contracting, Post Driving, Harvesting, Crop Spraying, Earthmoving, Mulching, Drilling, Planting, Ploughing, Baling, Cultivation Providing services in Foxton & the surrounding area AR EVANS 027 445 3918 84 Foxton Beach Rd, RD11 Foxton