Business Rural North Summer 2022

| 17 Jock gone to full Texel using genetics from Blackdale stud, also in Western Southland. RURAL PEOPLE » Conquest Texels 06 323 2944 027 2760963 . . . Call us today! Manawatu Shearing Top Service Competitive Rates Covering Manawatu, Rangitikei &Wairarapa areas Proud to support Conquest Texels Son of Vorn Yardstick Son of Vorn Aberystwyth UK rams with their semen used over Highland Texel ewes — among the top Texel UK indexed sires. . What is making sheep farming pro table? It is meat combinedwith growth rates. So what breed is right up there? Consider HighlandTexels, who have introduced fourtop UK genetics - increased length, height, growth rates & carcass-meat percentage. HighlandTexels Steve Bielski 027 484 2822 | . , , , . | . . .