| 37 The quality of the pure Angus herd on the station today is undeniable. “The results from progeny killed are looking really good. I’ve targeted intramuscular fat (IMF) and by using studs like Te Mania and Waitangi our IMF is right up there. Our cattle are marbling well.” RURAL PEOPLE » Ohorea Station Will Wilding, 027 8264 015 will@temania.co.nz www.temania.co.nz DA WINDLE LTD Raetihi for all your livestock transport needs phone kerry on 027 222 3431 Formerly Fagan Shearing Limited Proud to offer Shearing Services to Ohorea Station Currently servicing • Waikato • King Country & Manawatu • Whanganui districts For a quality service, call now to discuss your requirements Delwyn 027 537 9469 | Hanatia 021 188 2318 d.h.shearing@gmail.com At Te Mania’s 2 Year Bull Sale in June, Rex came away with 15 bulls for Ohorea Station and two other Atihau properties. “You don’t always get exactly what you want, but I look for bulls that are structurally sound and fit our criteria. With bulls like that, I know we’re heading in the right direction.” Rex is the first to observe that the pursuit of genetic gain requires hard work and commitment. Progress is long and slow but the quality of the pure Angus herd on the station today is undeniable. He’s satisfied that cattle sent to fattening units from Ohorea Station are delivering on their potential. “The results from progeny killed are looking really good. I’ve targeted intramuscular fat (IMF) and by using studs like Te Mania and Waitangi our IMF is right up there. Our cattle are marbling well.” At weaning, usually in late May, half the young beef stock go to fattening units. The other half are over-wintered and sent away as required or to alleviate feed pressure. Weaning took place earlier this year, following a dry summer, and Rex says it was the right decision for weaners and the herd. This year, the station has around 100 yearling heifers in calf, to Ranui bulls, with calving underway in mid-September. The station runs a Romney flock, with rams mostly bought from Wai-iti and Hilldreth Romney studs. Some 4,000 early lambs are sired by Suftex with the progeny off the station by Christmas, most of them going to fattening units. Rex notes there are also 2000 ewe hoggets in lamb to Suftex. Meanwhile, retirement of marginal farming land is to go into forestry or bees and stock numbers will drop accordingly, in line with the area retired. This may be up to 2000 ewes and 200 cows in the first year.