Business Rural North Summer 2022

| 45 Agronomist Hannah McCoard with Jamie Eggleton. RURAL PEOPLE » Ravensdown One business servicing the agriculture and civil works sectors has been around long enough for its current Manager, to be third generation. Matt Webster and his teambased in Havelock North, in Hawke’s Bay, says he’s proud of where the business is now and having served the agriculture sector so consistently with quality agricultural products for 40 + year “We have our own quarry, all our products are processed on site, making for an extremely e icient processing pathway.” Websters Hydrated Lime Co. manufacture burnt, hydrated and agricultural lime, working to strict internal controls, manufacturing a completely natural product that delivers real bene its to pasture health, lowing on to healthier and heavier stock live-weight. This ensures their customers are able to achieve great returns on their investments. “There are no adverse e ects to the surrounding environment and emerging technology in the crushing and spreading ield ensures the lime gets delivered exactly to where it is required, we know our clients receive top results.” Liming unlocks the full potential of a fertiliser programme, creating optimal PH levels enabling phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, nitrogen and other trace elements to become available to plant matter. If PH is not controlled e ectively it will minimise the e ects of the fertiliser programme. Drainage andmicrobial activity is improved as Lime enhances soil structure by improving the tilth and crumb formations while growth in cultivars such as legumes and clover is stimulated. Worms and bacteria activity is essential tomaintaining healthy soils. “It’s a low cost option to increase pasture growth and with the emphasis now on Not all lime is created equal managing Nitrogen use I can see Lime becomingmore popular in the future. Signi icant capital expenditure within the quarry means we are ready and prepared to supply to our own customers and to leading fertiliser manufacturers such as Ravensdown.” Websters Lime’s biggest advantage is the deposit of high quality limestone, estimated at 80 years. They encourage their customers to pay attention to the quality of their Ag Lime, as no two limes are created the same. Our customers enjoy reduced spreading and transport costs that come with a higher quality product. “It’s about using less and retaining high returns.” The company is a proudmember of the Institute of Quarrying NZ Ltd Inc, an organisation established to promote fellowship within the industry and to keepmembers informed as to new technologies. With soaring demand comes the challenge of bringing new people into the industry. Matt says he’s really fortunate with the teamhe has and there’s a strong bent toward innovation and inding ways to add value. When recruiting, Matt says he’s looking for good keen young people who carry a sound work ethic, who want to learn and put in a good days work. “We’re geared up to fully train all our sta . We operate in a highly skilled environment where machinery, technologies and systems are continually evolving.” The BRWebster Scholarship was developed to fund training for future industry leaders throughout the extractive industry. “We currently have two recipients utilising the fund on tertiary quali ications” Bruce would be really happy that we’re giving back to the industry that has served our family so well.”