Business Rural North Summer 2022

Best service money can buy Mike Kettle is very proactive with regards to keeping his eet up-to-date with late model machinery, enabling his customers to receive the most ef cient and effective service, and Mike Kettle Contracting to attract and retain high quality drivers. When buying machines from his local Brandt Hastings, Mike usually pre-orders his machines from the factory and has them built to his own precise speci cations to make sure they can perform exactly the way he needs them to. An extensive after market support programme is an incredibly important aspect of any machinery purchase, and John Deere offer good programmes to keep operators moving. Brandt Hastings’ service department also plays a critical role in the smooth operation of Mike Kettle Contracting. Offering not only a high level of mechanical service, but also a friendly and helpful customer service, Brandt Hastings gives the needs of its customers top priority. “Whenever your tractor is going to be down for a while, they will do their utmost to nd you another tractor that you can rent or borrow to get you through,” Mike says. “Because they are a big business, they can source the parts to keep you going.” Mike enjoys dealing with the Brandt Hastings parts department and takes his hat off to them for what they have been able to achieve through the trying times of recent supply chain challenges. “They always have a smile on their faces and offer to help with whatever you need. They are just decent people who get on with their jobs, and they keep you in the loop as to when you can expect your parts to be in stock. They will do whatever needs to be done to keep my machines running in the eld.” With John Deere Connected Support, Brandt Hastings receives fault codes from Mike’s tractors whenever a fault or issue occurs, and will contact Mike immediately to update him on the status of his faulty machine, and to organise a suitable time to investigate and remedy the issue. On the maintenance side, Mike Kettle Contracting maintains a lot of its own eet, but will call on Brandt Hastings for help, whether to ease the load on its own team, or to do those trickier jobs it doesn’t have time for, or to use software programmes to undertake diagnostic checks. “The 1500 hours service is a really big service, so we might do the engine and ask Brandt Hastings to do the transmission. They never complain about not getting the whole job, because every time we work together, we keep building up our relationship.” The enhanced level of personalisation in this relationship even extends to the point that Mike can keep list of little jobs needing to be done on a whiteboard in the of ce, and whenever the Brandt Hastings technician is on site, they check the list to see if there is anything else they can help with that day.