| 55 For over 80 years, VetsOne has been a cornerstone of animal healthcare in Hawke’s Bay, evolving from a traditional veterinary practice into a modern, client-focused animal health partner. With a team of experienced veterinarians and a commitment to accessibility, VetsOne is redefining what it means to be a veterinary service provider in the 21st century. “Our overriding focus is to develop genuine trusted partnerships with our clients,” says Mike Newall, Director and Production Animal and Equine Vet at VetsOne. “We’ve been in business for over eight decades so we have a lot of long-term clients, sometimes three generations of a family.” “Our premise for the business is ‘partnership’. We work in true collaboration with farmers to help improve their bottom line,” adds Director and Business Manager Sharon Marshall. They say the VetsOne approach goes beyond merely treating sick animals. “Our rural service has a focus on being proactive and setting up animal health and farm plans with farmers. It’s a structured approach, taking a holistic view, rather than an ambulance at the bottom of the cliff approach,” says Mike. This sees the practice’s experienced farm veterinarians working with farmer s to develop and customise a full Animal Health Plan. Mike says this incorporates gold standard advice on the use and timing of preventative animal health measures down to the individual stock class, including a wealth of product, reporting and treatment information. “Our proprietary VetPlan software also means the Animal Health Plan is easily accessible from any web-enabled mobile phone or computer, giving the farmer full control of their data in real-time. This system has been developed by Jason Clark the third Director of VetsOne and Production Animal and Dairy Vet.” This proactive stance is supported by state-ofthe-art diagnostic capabilities. For example the practice boasts an in-house parasite faecal egg counting machine. “We focus on diagnostics and try to gain as much information in the area on parasites, development of whole farm management systems and other diagnostics around minerals and other things that affect production,” Sharon says. “We want to be on the front foot to assist our clients.” The practice’s dedication to this was recently highlighted when two of its veterinarians participated in a Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) trial examining the impact of a recent cyclone on farmers. Mike says this involvement demonstrates VetsOne’s commitment to Vetsone building trusted partnerships Karen Phelps RURAL SERVICES » Vetsone The practice’s experienced farm veterinarians work with farmer s to develop and customise a full Animal Health Plan. understanding and addressing the challenges faced by its clients. Services are comprehensive and include farm visits and emergencies, pregnancy scanning, velveting, fertility, mineral and disease testing, herd /flock investigations, animal health plans and advice, restricted veterinary medicines and farm product advice. Recognising that the rural community is often busy VetsOne’s commitment extends beyond regular business hours. The practice is open seven days a week and provides an after-hours service for emergency care, ensuring that help is always available when needed. “We pride ourselves on the fact clients can contact us anytime they need us,” Mike says. “It’s a personal client-focused approach.” The business also gives back to the community with sponsorship and getting involved with events from dog trials to equestrian events and also has an integral role with SPCA. VetsOne has a purpose built premises, located conveniently beside the local Stortford sale yards in Hastings, including a boardroom for hosting farmer evenings. Mike and Sharon say this facility serves as a hub for community engagement and At VetsOne we work together with you to put your animal’s health first. (06) 878 8666 contact@vetsone.co.nz www.vetsone.co.nz 500 Maraekakaho Rd, Hastings education, further strengthening the practice’s ties with its clients. The practice’s vision, ‘to be the most trusted and customer-focused provider of animal health and welfare services in the Hawke’s Bay’, is reflected in every aspect of the operation, which also includes taking care of companion animals and offering a cattery. “At VetsOne, we work together with our clients to put their animal’s health first,” says Sharon. “Our focus on enhancing the human-animal bond means that people have as much of a role in their animal’s health as our vets.” Journey’s End Pet Cremations 021 444 666 | caren@journeysendpetcremation.co.nz | www.journeysendpetcremation.co.nz The team at Journey's End are available 7 days a week, please call or send a message and we will be in touch.