Business Rural North Winter 2021

24 | Training, retaining Russell Fredric T raining and retaining staff is a significant focus for the future of of Maori-owned incorporation Hauhungaroa 2C Block, a 1010 hectare effective farm of Lake Taupo’s western shores managed by Cam Brown. The farm is a breeding and finishing property that operates under a nitrogen cap within the Lake Taupo catchment on a total of 3227 hectares and employs three full-time staff. The business is one of many trusts or incorpora- tions that come under the control of Tuwharetoa iwi, with the Maori ownership providing members of the iwi access to employment opportunities, training and mentorship. Of the 3227ha, the farm includes 1150ha of leased pine forest, 112ha of its own wood-lot which was harvested about two-and-a-half years ago with replanting almost complete, while about 770ha is in native bush. The property runs from 460 metres to 800 me- tres above sea level and is rolling to steep, of which 380 ha is intensively farmed and 630 extensively farmed. In collaboration with Waikato Regional Council, about 180ha has been retired and fenced-off to protect waterways. “Over the next few years we’ll be adding much more under the fresh water legislation require- ments,” Cam says. The farm winters about 4600 romney breeding ewes. Ten years ago the flock comprised a coopworth, texel, east friesian cross, but the ewes have since been mated to a romney each season. While the crossed ewes were fecund, there was a significant loss of structural soundness, Cam says. RURAL PEOPLE » Hauhungaroa 2C Block: Cam Brown The sheep were “down on the back hocks” and very thin in the legs which affected their price and appeal for sale as store lambs, while cancer was also an issue. Although the ewes have been crossed with a romney for nearly seven years, the sheep type is yet to be well-defined and will take some time to show predominantly romney genetics. “We select the rams for fertility, growth rate and wool, but also concentrate on trying to get survivability because we can be in a harsh climate in the winter; it can get pretty cold.” The farm carries 1600 ewe lambs each winter; ewe hoggets are mated at a target weight of 40 kilograms with a goal to mate 80% of them. “Apart from last year (due to drought) for the pre- vious three years the two-tooths have out-scanned the mixed-age ewes so the fertility is right there.” Depending on the season the lambing percent- age can be up to 150%, but this season’s lambing “was a disaster” at just 121%. That disaster was a trifecta of low pregnancy scanning due to drought the previous season along with young lambs being hit by a storm and losses to pigs. Cam and his team have been doing as much as possible to mitigate the “frustrating” situation of attacks by pigs and the damage they do to pasture. “I’m a firm believer that wool will improve; there’s a huge amount of uncertainty out there, but we’ve just got to be smarter.” Farm manager Cam Brown with Reihana Hunapo and Mitchell Brown. Hauhungaroa empoys three full-time staff. Pat Lacy Livestock Ltd Pat Lacy 027 495 35 64 . . Buyer and seller of store stock & fat stock Sheep, Cattle & Deer Proudly supporting CamBrown ll , l l i Contact: Hayley Morton Phone: (+64) 027 378 5669 Email: 1634 Whangamata Road, Taupo, Waikato, 3377, New Zealand Aotearoa Shearing 0274 820 142 il i l . Proudly supporting Cam Brown l i