Business Rural North Winter 2021
| 45 annual bull sale Wayne Lambeth at Tangiteroria. The Lambeth family has been breeding quality cattle there since 1971. RURAL PEOPLE » Arahou Herefords HERD SIRES NOW IN USE KOKONGA KELLEHER • KOANUI CHIEF LY HUKAROA KYLE • MAHU TA LEGEND FOR ENQUIRIES PLEASE CON T AC T: W ayne Lambeth Ph: (09) 433 2902 Email: • ww 34 th ANNUAL SALE (on farm at TANGITERORIA, NORTHLAND) Tuesday 27 th July 2021 25 2yr Bulls & 5 In Calf Heifers Visitors always welcome The Spring Sheep Milk team. The company has grown to 50-full time staff in NZ. Sheep milk company extends offer in NZ Spring Sheep Milk Co has been working with New Zealand’s leading sheep genomics team at Agresearch to develop the Zealandia® dairy sheep breeding line. Spring Sheep Milk Co. was founded by Government-owned enterprise Pamu Farms of New Zealand and sales and marketing company SLC. Being a client of PCNZ facilitates easier ac- cess to Mainland China, which is well on track to be the largest export market for Spring Sheep Milk Co.’s range of New Zealand sheep milk powder nutritional products. A key enabler in growing the sheep milking industry in New Zealand has been getting the right breed. Spring Sheep Milk Co has been working with New Zealand’s leading sheep genomics team at Agresearch to develop the Zealandia® dairy sheep breeding line. The sheep are bred for high milk yields, fast let downs and milkability. The sheep are also well-adapted to New Zealand’s pasture- based farming systems. “Spring Sheep Milk Co. is experiencing rapid expansion, making it the largest sheep milking group in New Zealand,” Nick Hammond says. Spring Sheep Milk Co. has had a great response from farmers who are looking for a combination of diversification, good economic returns and a more sustainable farming option. “This year, we have already signed on 11 commercial-scale farms to the group, bringing us to 17 farms in 2021.” Actress and mum to 20-month-old Freddie Antonia Prebble is working with Spring Sheep Milk Co. to launch Gentle Sheep Toddler Milk Drink. Gentle Sheep Toddler Milk Drink is available at selected New Zealand supermarkets and on- line . As part of its commitment to food safety and traceability, every can of Gentle Sheep Toddler Milk Drink carries a unique QR code which can be scanned for authenticity and identification. S pring Sheep Milk Co. is bolstering the rapidly growing sheep milk category with the launch of its latest product, Gentle Sheep Toddler Milk Drink. Made with Spring Sheep’s grass-fed New Zea- land sheep milk, Gentle Sheep Toddler Milk Drink is specially made for one- to three-year-olds’ tummies with added Omega 3 DHA and Omega 6 ARA, and GOS and FOS prebiotics. Spring Sheep Milk Co. Chief Operating Officer Nick Hammond says it’s exciting to introduce New Zealanders to another sheep dairy product demonstrating the value of grass-fed New Zealand sheep milk. “Not only is it beneficial for growing Kiwi tod- dlers, we are proud to be showing the potential of New Zealand sheep milk with another quality nutritional product.” Last year, a Provincial Growth Fund backed report found New Zealand’s exports of sheep milk products were valued at about $20 million and, by 2024, could increase to an export value of $250 million. Worldwide, the sheep milk industry is worth US$8 billion at the farm gate and US$ 30 billion at retail. Spring Sheep Milk Co. is contributing to that growth and on 15 April was named Best Emerg- ing Business at the Westpac Auckland Business Awards – Best of the Best. The awards celebrate innovation and creativity in the business sector. Spring Sheep Milk Co. has grown to a team of 50 full-time staff in New Zealand and last year, celebrated five years in business by becoming clients of Primary Collaboration New Zealand (PCNZ) Shanghai.