16 | Milking sheep an Russell Fredric Cambridge couple Allan and Toni Browne have been part of New Zealand’s emerging sheep milking industry since they began supplying Maui Sheep Milk late 2020. Milking twice a-day, more than 2800 sheep pass through Browne Pastoral’s two year-old prototype 70-bail internal rotary milking platform which has automatic cup removers and in-shed feed. Allan is the fourth generation on the family farm, but the grandchildren who live on the property with their parents top this up to six generations. The farm also supports 450 cows, 150 steers and 100 bulls, while the 2800 lambs arti cially reared off the milking ewes are fattened on the farm as well. The job of rearing the lambs is “almost of a mind-blowing size”, Allan says. “It has been an interesting journey.” He and Toni were prompted in part to start milking sheep by the Healthy Rivers Plan Change which eliminated the option of further land conversion to bovine dairy. “We have a lot of easier contour land here so we decided to give the sheep dairy a try and we are historically sheep farmers not (cow) dairy farmers.” The farm’s milking ewes were bred from its existing commercial ewes crossed with a Southern Cross ram which has a large percentage of French Lacaune genetics. “We bred some rst crosses, they weren’t pure milking breeds, back in 2018. The resulting progeny were 3/8ths Lacaune and the rest were made up of Chicory, plantain and clover is the mainstay of the summer feed. RURAL PEOPLE » Browne Pastoral AERIAL TOPDRESSING WAIKATO BASE MANAGER GLENN HAORA M: 027 927 3726 E: glenn@farmersair.co.nz www.farmersair.co.nz Innovative solutions and great customer service for earthworks throughout the North Island. Curin Contractors Ltd has been providing residential, farming and commercial clients with professional earthworks in Waikato and the Bay of Plenty since 1996. From farm works to farm conversions, small projects for new home builds and retaining walls to concrete bridge construction and large-scale civil construction, Curin Contractors Ltd offers a depth of knowledge and years of experience. www. cur i ncon t rac t ors . co . nz 07 827 1869 o f f i ce@cur i ncon t rac t ors . co . nz Proud To Support Astra Farms traditional hill country sheep.” “We are up to the third crosses now. They’ve done very well. The milk they’ve produced has exceeded our expectation quite a lot.” The high volume of milk meant a larger vat had to be installed in just the second season. Daily milking is handled by two staff, plus a shepherd who brings the sheep into the shed in lots of 350 to 400. The highly ef cient operation means the platform can milk 277 sheep in 28 minutes; the the total milking time is about two hours. The past season’s total production was 382,000 litres which was up 38% on the previous season while milk solids production was 68,000kg, an increase of 45% on the previous season. All the milk is converted into infant formula powder that is exported to China. While there were 300 more sheep milked this season, the increase was still disproportionate, Allan says. “I think some of it’s genetic gain and a better understanding of what it takes to milk sheep. We are starting to get a greater percentage of chicory and clover paddocks. “We have a lot of easier contour land here so we decided to give the sheep dairy a try and we are historically sheep farmers not (cow) dairy farmers.”