52 | Push on driver licence training urged Foleys Transport is primarily a cattle and sheep transport company, serving meat works and back loading store stock for customers. Kim Newth Brendan Foley, who owns and operates Foleys Transport in Hawke’s Bay, is a third-generation stock truck driver. Working in the rural sector with farmers, stock agents and livestock is his passion and one he shares with his small team of talented drivers and stockmen. “They are committed to the role and do a great job for us,” he says. Skilled experienced stock drivers like this can be hard to nd but Brendan has some positive ideas on how to turn that around. He suggests that greater promotion of trucking as a rewarding career at high school level, coupled with more support for driver training, could go a long way to solving the issues around recruitment. “It would be a big help to us if every school leaver at least had their full driver’s licence,” he suggests. “If someone comes to me at age 20 on a learner licence, it’s going to take two and a half years or more to get them through to their Class 5 licence. Then when they’re nally ready to go, they’re just as likely to take off and go somewhere else. There is a huge cost in training people – I do think the training sector needs to put more funding into driver licensing at the high school level.” Foleys Transport is a well-known name in Hawke’s Bay and the Central North Island, having rst been established in 1949 by Brendan’s grandfather, the late Pat Foley. After he passed away in the mid-1970s, Brendan’s father and uncle took over the business until it was sold in 1995. Brendan, who joined the rural trucking industry after leaving school in 2002, then re-launched Foleys Transport in 2014. Foleys Transport is primarily a cattle and sheep transport company, serving meat works and back loading store stock for customers. RURAL SERVICES » Foleys Transport The busy team clocks up a lot of mileage from Hawke’s Bay and Manawatu to Rangitikei, Auckland and the Waikato. Brendan loves working in the rural environment with an ever-changing line-up of people, places and stock, but could do with a few more drivers for his hardworking team. “At the moment, we’ve only got three drivers and I’m driving one. We have one unit parked up. My sister, Nicola, is our of ce manager doing invoicing, health and safety, and helping with dispatch. We’re a pretty lean operation.” Brendan has made a huge investment in the Foleys eet, which includes two new Scania units and a 2017 Kenworth. “We use Delta crates that are AsureQuality accredited.” The Scania units are fully automatic. Equipped with a fridge, a microwave and leather seats, the units are designed for self-suf ciency and comfort. “People starting out will nd these trucks much easier to drive and the handling is getting better. Of course, there’s still a lot to learn about driving on gravel and you do need to know how to work with livestock.” Brendan says young drivers with the right attitude to work hard in the industry can earn good money to get ahead in their lives. “When you’re on the road with a blue sky overhead, cruising along, it’s a great feeling. Once you’re loaded, you’re your own boss.” · Service the North and South Island in our fully equipped workshops · Manufacturers of Aluminium Stock Crates Proud to support Foleys Transport S T O C K C R A T E S FEILDING TIMARU Ph06 323 3629 • • Blair (South Island) 027 690 0724 Brodie (North Island) 021 0294 1293 Ph 03 688 2274 PUBLICWEIGHBRIDGE SPECIALISTS PublicWeighbridge Network - 20 sites across the country, fully automatedweighbridges electronic data/reporting. We manage/own and operate public/private weighbridges across the country. 0800 132 618 •www.weighsolutions.co.nz • enquiries@weighsolutions.nz