Business Rural North Winter 2022

154 Bringing it all together with FarmIQ Map-based farmmanagement software driving better decisions, improved performance and peace of mind ahead of audit time. Find out more at The lives of Kiwi farmers are about to get a whole lot easier when FarmIQ, New Zealand’s leading farm management software, integrates with Figured which has established itself as the most popular farm nance system for all kinds of kiwi farmers. Farm IQ’s mantra is ‘bringing it all together’ and that is what its joint venture with Figured is all about, says FarmIQ’s CEO Will Noble. “The FarmIQ software provides the core which integrates with all the other systems farmers are using so that they don’t have to rekey data.” Currently, farmers manage their stock reconciliation — the farm’s biological balance sheet — through FarmIQ but that data must then be rekeyed into Figured, the farmers’ nancial balance sheet. Those days are over, explains Will. “Having accurate numbers is really important, while rekeying data is a pain point, particularly if you’re running a large operation with multiple stock classes. The integration between Figured and FarmIQ is living our mantra of bringing it all together for the bene t of our farmers, giving them more time to farm. They just manage their stock numbers in FarmIQ on a day-by-day basis using our app, which they can use in the paddock to register births, deaths and moves. That data transfers seamlessly through to Figured, giving farmers a real time view of the entire farm system including the nancial and biological balance sheets.” Aside of the obvious bene t of having realtime data to monitor the nancial performance of the farm there are more profound bene ts. As new rural lending rules start to take e ect under legislation driven by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) the partnership and integration between Figured and FarmIQ will support farmers seeking to borrow at preferential rates. Now used by 5000 Kiwi farmers, FarmIQ was established eleven years ago, a part of a Primary Growth Partnership (PGP) between MPI, Pamu — formerly known as Landcorp — and Silver Fern Farms. The original partnership sought to derive greater returns from the red meat supply chain, from inside the farm gate to the supermarket shelf. At the conclusion of the PGP project, FarmIQ was spun-out as a commercial entity and its capability extended beyond red meat to include dairy, via strategic partnerships with Synlait and CRV. FarmIQ remains farmer-focused, designed to make the planning and recording of everyday activities on farm simple and easy, with those records accumulating to make assurance and compliance reporting a breeze, taking the stress out of evidence reporting to regulators and processors. FarmIQ maintains data integrations with many on-farm systems, reducing the burden of rekeying data, such as yard equipment to record animal events, and precision agriculture capturing proof of placement for chemical and nutrient applications to the land. The farm map at the centre of FarmIQ is a real time management tool that includes farm environment planning and health and safety for farm sta and visitors. Re ecting on the success of FarmIQ, Will says it is undeniably its farmer focus. “Our number one value is farmer focus. In everything we do we try to look at the world through the lens of the farmer, to understand their needs.” FarmIQ—Keeping track of it all