Business Rural Spring 2024

| 17 Charolais are proving their worth Cows are either mated naturally or artificially inseminated using bulls from overseas. Alexia Johnston Charolais are proving their worth at Blytheburn Farm in North Canterbury, where they have been a long-standing choice for breeding purposes. Blytheburn Farm, which spans 550 hectares in Blythe Valley south of Cheviot, has been running a Charolais stud since 2019, after years of successfully using Charolais bulls over Angus cows commercially. Will Inch, of Blytheburn Farm, is among those who could see the benefits the breed offers and has reaped the rewards. He said Charolais have a range of benefits including their exceptional finishing ability, their resilience in handling maternal challenges, and the hybrid vigour and superior carcass qualities they bring when crossed with Angus cows. Key characteristics he looks for in the breed is temperament first and foremost, followed by carcass traits and growth. Cows are either mated naturally or artificially inseminated using bulls from overseas and New Zealand, then backed up further with bulls. Will explains the many benefits to the breed far outweigh the challenges they pose. “Health issues we face would really only be selenium deficiency, which is common pretty well everywhere and magnesium leading up to and after calving. So we give the cows a long acting selenium pre mating, they also get their annual BVD booster at the same time. Then for the magnesium they get a magnesium capsule pre calving, [and] they also get an annual 10 in 1 booster at the same time.” He said the approach to feeding and nutrition for Charolais is both practical and strategic. Throughout the year, cows and commercial cattle graze the hill country, with the exception of calving season. During calving, the cows are moved to easier paddocks where they can be tagged and weighed comfortably. Mineral supplementation is also a key focus, with all stock having constant access to essential minerals, provided either in block form or as loose lick. For winter feeding, yearling heifers are raised on kale, while steers and bulls are wintered on rye corn. The rye corn serves as a first rotation crop in paddocks transitioning from native grasses or brown top. “It seems to work really well to break down the thatch while regaining soil structure, with the added bonus of being a multi graze cereal as well.” MEAT & WOOL » Blytheburn Farm Blytheburn Farm also manages 140 commercial Angus cows. Of these, a nucleus mob of 70 receives two rounds of artificial insemination in spring, with their progeny selected as replacements. The remaining cows are mated to Charolais and Hereford bulls. All cattle are finished on-farm with the main goal of having them all gone before the second winter. Will said the greatest reward in farming Charolais cattle is the feedback from buyers. He also takes pride in seeing how the progeny from bulls he has sold perform, with many customers returning year after year for new purchases. Additionally, Will finds satisfaction in observing the impact of different genetics and breeding decisions on his herd, appreciating both the P h . 0 2 1 2 5 1 7 7 4 2 Family orientated business, please ring Mike on: 021 251 7742 or 03 319 8778 | Email: North Canterbury based, we supply top quality service experienced shearers and shed staff for fine wool and xbreds. • LIVESTOCK CARTAGE • GENERAL FREIGHT • BULK & FERTILISER 99 Ward Rd, Cheviot 7310 03 319 8644 | 0276 776 787 successes and the learning experiences that come with each choice. “Then just for ourselves, seeing the change you can make with different genetics that you bring in, as well as different breeding decisions that you make whether it be a good or a bad decision.”