18 | Bonnieview going back to its roots Hoggets on new grass looking towards Moa flat. Kelly Deeks MEAT & WOOL » Bonnieview Farm It has been farmed organically for more than 20 years, but Bonnieview Farm in West Otago, previously home of the Avalon Genetics Perendale flock, has moved back to conventional farming and back to its original name Bonnieview, as the schedule dictates where the profits can be made, and it’s not in organically grown sheep and cattle. Bonnieview Farm equity partner Allan Richardson is intensely passionate about organic and regenerative farming. Against his father Colin’s advice, who had built up his own farm from nothing and seen increased yields gained by application of superphosphate and sprays, Allan initially converted a 40ha block and eventually the whole 1300ha of Avalon Farms. He could see the market moving towards organic lamb, beef, and wool, that these would deliver premium returns, and that global demand would rise. 20 years later, and enter Scott and Kjersti Walker as equity partners on Bonnieview Farm. Premiums paid for organic lamb, beef, and wool were all looking good, but then the organic lamb premium dropped off within their first season. “There was still a premium for organic wool, but double your wool cheque is still not very high,” Scott says. “The organic beef premium was still there, but then that was taking us two winters to get them up to weight.” The Richardsons and the Walkers had initially had an extensive discussion about what steps to take if organic production would ever stop working for either party. Allan was so keen to retain Scott and Kjersti that he agreed it was now time to review. They started by breaking down all aspects of Bonnieview’s incomings and outgoings, and compare themselves with neighbouring operations. “We worked out we needed to make a 20% premium to make it work,” Kjersti says. “The schedule was so high that they started saying they couldn’t pay a premium on top of it.” Then Covid happened. The cost of inputs went through the roof, and consumer spending changed drastically. “People didn’t have the extra money to pay for a premium product. Now we’re in a recession, and people can’t afford the basics let alone a premium product.” The writing was on the wall and in 2020, Bonnieview Farm dropped its organic certification. Avalon Genetics continues to be farmed organically on a seperate property by Allan, while Scott and Kjersti lease Bonnieview Farm, where they own and operate Bonnieview Perendale and Suftex studs. Since dropping the organic certification, Scott and Kjersti started spraying and root raking about 54ha of gorse which had been expanding year on year with no option to control it with an organic system. They are also getting more into direct drilling for cropping and are increasing their yields conventionally. “We’ve pulled a lot of learnings out of our time in organics, and we’re running a really low-cost system with exceptional animal health. With our increased yields, we are gaining a lot more production.” Lamb weights increased by about a kg in the first year since the switch, and have continued to steadily increase by half a kg in every subsequent year. Scott and Kjersti continue to grow their conventional business and in 2022 took the lease of approximately 210ha of neighbouring land, growing their capacity from 4800 to more than 7000 stock units. Worm Fec Gold members (which has a logo on their website) Contact Details Scott and Kjersti Walker 539 Shanks Road, RD2 Tapanui 0276305301 skwalker@outlook.co.nz BONNIEVIEW Perendale and Suftex Scott and Kjersti Walker 539 Shanks Road, RD2 Tapanui 0276305301 skwalker@outlook.co.nz - Performance under pressure - Low input, low cost of production - High growth rates Proudly supporting Bonnieview Dale Paikea 027 204 2151 - Heriot