Business Rural Spring 2024

20 | Colbion Downs out to maximise gains Hampshire lambs at weaning time. Russell Fredric MEAT & WOOL » Colbion Downs With today’s sheep farming economics being so marginal, it is essential achieve every bit of financial gain possible, Mike Mouat says. Mike farms 174 plus an 80 hectare lease block with his wife Janeann and son Brad, running a diversified sheep, arable and cattle grazing operation near Gore. The farm includes Hampshire sheep stud Colbion Downs that supports 100 stud breeding ewes, about 35 ram hoggets, five sires and 35 ewe hoggets. Every bit of genetic gain that translates into livestock achieving the best possible price at sales or higher carcass payments helps, especially when times are tough, and Hampshires excel at contributing to profitability, Mike says. “It would never be any more paramount than at the moment,” he says. “There’s not much that can compare with the (eye muscle) scanning results of a Hampshire. This is the time for farmers, the commercial guys, to be using a Hampshire because at no extra cost they can improve their income or their bottom line.” Hampshires have had a minimal profile in New Zealand and are represented by a small group of breeders, but are highly regarded overseas including in Australia, South America and the United Kingdom. While he says there is some way to go, Mike has been encouraged by the feedback and interest generated about them following his previous features in Business Rural South, plus Colbion Downs has had a good season for sales. “We had a very good clearance of basically all our two-tooth rams this year. We also managed to sell 20-odd ewe lambs to a breeder as well.” Scanning on Colbion Downs Hampshire’s confirm their value when it comes to growing a great carcass. One of its ram lambs scanned more than 30 square centimetres of eye muscle this year. “We had one over 29 square centimetres last year, but over 30 I reckon is incredible. The eye muscle area is just increasing every year.” Like all farmers, Mike finds it very satisfying to see the results of genetics manifesting in his stock. “You always try to improve and you listen to your clients and help the breed and we’re obviously heading in the right direction.” In addition to focusing on genetic gains, he also looks to maximise the farm’s profitability in as many ways as possible. “We put in the best mixes, the best seeds and everything we can. If you’re putting in good grasses and everything you’re going to get good baleage, you’re going to get good feed and it pays off at the end of the day.” With sheep farming currently being so tough, Mike feels fortunate to have a diversified operation that provides an income spread throughout the season. Unlike other many regions which were affected by drought, the last season was a good one in Southland due to a cooler summer and autumn and regular rainfall that kept the grass growing. Our Hamphires are known for: • Breed quality • Excellent bone, constitution & length • Strong, fast growth rates • Longevity • Top eye muscle scanning • Being one of the only sheep breeds that has marbling in the meat i : li ll , i i l , i l i i l li i 250 Collins Road, Knapdale | 027 480 9570 lli , l | PROUDTO PARTNER WITH COLBION DOWNS Last season the farm grew about 35ha of brassicas, 60ha of grain comprising 20ha of wheat and 40ha of barley sold to a local contractor, while it wintered 500 cows and had 85 R1 Jersey bulls and 130 R2 Jersey bulls for lease or sale to dairy farmers respectively.