Business Rural Spring 2024

34 | Neville seeing definite genetic gains Neville says its quite interesting to see what clients favour in terms of the look of a sheep, with some preferring the more open-faced look. Sue Russell MEAT & WOOL » Moeraki Downs Neville Caldwell runs Moeraki Downs, a fourth generation sheep and beef farm, five minutes drive from the iconic Moeraki boulders on the coast of North Otago. Son Nathan, though managing another property up the Waitaki, visits often with his partner Jess and helps out at busy times. The farm is home to 300 stud ewes, of a total flock of about 1500, carrying Coopworth, Cooptex and Coopdale genetics along with 57 incalf Angus. Income is derived from selling rams, fattening sheep and beef. This summer and autumn period has been particularly dry though Neville says he has been happy with condition of the stud ewes. “We’re pretty fussy on what we keep in the flock. Any sheep that are particularly daggy or have black spots in their ears we get rid of. This year has certainly been a good test for constitution with the drought.” To counter the lack of rainfall impacting pasture production, Neville has been feeding out lucerne and silage since late April. “We’ve been fortunate that during the drought period it also hasn’t been that cold.” Asked about ram selection for breeding Neville says he takes a pragmatic approach. If he doesn’t like the look of a ram he leaves it alone. Neville says its quite interesting to see what clients favour in terms of the look of a sheep, with some preferring the more open-faced look. Rams are sold at fixed prices. “I’ve been fortunate to have a lot of help from Roger Keach who is a very well known stud stock agent in the region,” Neville says. Of the Angus cows, Neville fattens all the progeny, retaining some heifers to introduce into the herd. Coopworth sheep make great mothers, Neville says. His family have been associated with the breed since the early 1960’s when Neville’s father and uncle bought the farm. Like all breeders, Neville is striving for the perfect sheep, but understands that goal will never be reached. “I think that’s the thing that is most challenging and positive about being a breeder. You’re always seeking perfection and if you’ve been at this long enough you do see definite genetic gains. That’s really satisfying to me.” As testament to achievement on that front, Neville says over the last couple of years they have been getting lambs away having reached processing weight much quicker. Asked how the farm is standing up these day, Neville says its ticking along well. When not tending the animals, he’s out taking care of fencing and maintaining gear. He says he enjoys the cyclical nature of working with animals and on the land. “Nathan and I have done two trips up to the North Island to visit Coopworth studs. We enjoyed that opportunity to see what other breeders are producing. Hopefully we’ll get away again some time in the next year or two.” Lambing gets underway early September and that’s a busy time, with all lambs tagged, sex recorded, the number of lambs noted and matched to the mother’s number. This helps Neville to see quite readily where the most gains are taking place in family lines. He also eye muscle scans ram and ewe hoggets each year, using an IMF scanner from Otago Ultrasound that Peter Clulee, brings out on to the farm. A strict policy regarding single lambs is adhered to. A ewe is allowed only one single lamb and if that’s repeated the ewe is culled from the flock. “My aim is to produce as many lambs as possible each season. Any lambs we keep are also multiples. We lamb at about 185% each season.” “We have done two trips up to the North Island to visit Coopworth studs. We enjoyed that opportunity to see what other breeders are producing.” 027 480 7656 COOPWORTH / COOPDALES / COOPTEX Partners: Doug Harvie, Craig Wyatt, Brett Challis, Robyn Friedrich and Tom Saul. Software solutions, including Focus, Xero and Figured Harvie GreenWyatt is here to help you maintain and grow your agri business. Our rural business accounting, business and planning disciplines.