Business Rural Spring 2024

44 | Pyramid Downs 29th annual bull sale Longevity, fertility and fat cover are additional traits Helen breeds for. Karen Phelps “The breed’s eating quality is another selling point, with Herefords filling export programs for quality beef.” MEAT & WOOL » Pyramid Downs Helen Miller, the 86-year-old esteemed Hereford breeder behind Pyramid Downs, is gearing up for her 29th annual bull sale this October, bringing with her half a century of experience in cattle breeding. As she prepares for the event Helen believes there are numerous reasons why Herefords add substantial value to farming businesses across New Zealand. “Herefords are better for feed efficiency and superior finishing off grass,” Helen explains. “They’re good foragers, which is crucial in our sometimes challenging conditions. This adaptability is a key factor in my breeding philosophy and I only purchase bulls that can thrive without grain supplementation.” Helen also emphasises the breed’s superiority in crossbreeding programs. “All the advantages of hybrid vigour come into play. This hybrid vigour contributes to improved growth rates and the ability to finish heifers and steers to export weights and grades earlier.” According to Helen the docile nature of Herefords is another significant advantage. “If an animal is quiet, it will be unperturbed if something unexpected happens,” Helen says, recounting an instance where her Hereford bulls calmly grazed in the background of a wedding photo shoot. However, she quickly adds a note of caution: “All animals are unpredictable though. If I’m out with them, I’m always careful.” Longevity, fertility and fat cover are additional traits Helen breeds for, along with structural soundness and thicker hides. These characteristics contribute to the breed’s overall hardiness and market appeal. “Herefords attract premiums throughout the country,” Helen points out, referencing the popularity of white-faced steers and heifers in sale yards. “The breed’s eating quality is another selling point, with Herefords filling export programs for quality beef and local trade markets. Specific programmes like ANZCO’s grass-fed programme as well as branded beef quality initiatives like Hereford Prime also add to the value of breed.” Pyramid Downs, located in Riversdale, Northern Southland, spans 240 hectares and is home to around 100 breeding cows plus heifers, alongside 800 Perendale ewes. The stud’s origins date back to 1972, with official recognition coming in 1979 when Helen became a member of NZ Hereford. Pyramid Downs’ emphasis on Breedplan data, structural soundness, and cow efficiency has led to numerous accolades over the years. Helen’s passion for breeding Herefords remains strong, fuelled by personal milestones such as winning a Meat and Wool Cup with a homebred bull. Helen continues to aim for genetic gain and her last purchase was a bull from the Okawa Poll Hereford in Canterbury. “It was a well marked, low birth weight bull with a good milk figure and 600 day weight. PYRAMID DOWNS SALE DATE: WEDNESDAY 16TH October 2024 at 11:30am 29TH ANNUAL PRODUCTION SALE Polled Herefords To be held on the property at Pyramid, Riversdale, Southland. 2 YEAR OLD POLLED HEREFORD BULLS FOR SALE • Silage & Maize Harvesting • Baling & Wrapping - Film on Film • Direct Drilling • Power Harrowing & Drill Combination • Precision Seeding • Ploughing & Cultivation • Grain Harvesting • Slurry application • Gravel Supplies I’ll probably mate him with heifers.” The year before she bought two bulls from Orari Gorge Station and a bull from Beechwood Herefords. As the sale approaches on Wednesday, October 16th at 11:30 am Helen says that buyers come from as far as Canterbury and Owaka. “The ability of Pyramid Downs bulls to add value to our clients’ operations is the result of breeding for over 50 years. The line-up of bulls this year will represent the consistency we strive to achieve.”