58 | A vital asset to the local ag community HeliOps boasts a versatile fleet. Karen Phelps HeliOps Southland, owned by farmers Roger and Kirsty Preston, stands out as the region’s only dedicated agricultural helicopter company. This distinction, coupled with the Prestons’ first-hand farming experience, has positioned HeliOps as a vital asset to the local agricultural community. “Because we don’t do tourism work, it means we can be fully available for our clients. We are happy to be able to assist our fellow farmers from Te Anau to Eastern Southland and beyond,” says Kirsty. The Prestons ventured into aerial agriculture in 2008 when they purchased BoothAg, a groundbased agricultural spraying and sheep dipping business. Two years later, they expanded into aerial operations, recognising the synergy between ground and air services. “A lot of farmers like to get a truck in for the flat areas and when it gets too wet or steep, we just change it over to the helicopters,” Roger explains. Today, HeliOps boasts a versatile fleet including an R44, a Bell Jetranger, and an Airbus AS350 ‘Squirrel’. This range allows them to tackle jobs of all sizes, from small, precise operations to large-scale spraying and heavy lifting tasks. HeliOps offers a comprehensive suite of agricultural aerial services, including the application of herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, and insecticides, as well as the spreading of fertilisers, seeds, and trace elements. It even assists with stock control and mustering in challenging terrains. What sets HeliOps apart is the Prestons’ deep understanding of their clients’ needs. As farmers themselves, owning a sheep, beef and deer farm in Central Southland, Roger and Kirsty bring a unique perspective to their business. “It means we know what is affecting the farming industry every day and how to best serve our clients,” Kirsty says. “Knowing the farmer’s business, it’s easier to understand what they want and how we can help them achieve that.” Safety is paramount in HeliOps’ operations. The company is a Part 137 certified Agricultural Aerial Services Provider, with a team working across the Southland region. “Our pilots’ safety records and consistency of care mean that our clients can feel confident that we consider all factors when providing a service to our clients,” Roger says. The Prestons’ commitment to service extends to ensuring continuity of operations. During busy periods or when weather affects their schedule, HeliOps can bring in additional pilots to clear any backlog, maintaining a high standard of service. The business employs Bruce Lilburn as its chief pilot and Grade 2 pilot, Haughton Gilbert. RURAL SERVICES » HeliOps Southland HeliOps is also nurturing the next generation of agricultural pilots with one of Roger’s sons, Ben, currently a loader driver with a private pilot license, building up hours to obtain his commercial license. As Southland’s agricultural landscape continues to evolve, HeliOps Southland stands ready to meet “It means we know what is affecting the farming industry every day and how to best serve our clients,” Kirsty says. “Knowing the farmer’s business, it’s easier to understand what they want and how we can help them achieve that.” Ph: 03 218 2462 | Parts & Service: 03 218 9839 E: service@dominionelectric.co.nz | 75 Yarrow Street, Invercargill • Commercial • Industrial • Agricultural • Air Conditioning • Diagnostic Equipment • EFI • ABS • SRS We’ll help you build a smarter, better business. mmca.co.nz Get in touch today & experience the difference of an awardwinning accounting firm. PAY LESS TAX GET AHEAD FASTER MAKE MORE MONEY the changing needs of farmers, say the Prestons. With their unique combination of aerial expertise and practical farming knowledge, Roger and Kirsty are proud to have established a vital support system for Southland’s agricultural community. “We have a lot of dedicated long-term clients,” says Roger, “but we’re always looking to help new clients out. Just give us a ring to get a quote.”