76 | PMR on track for onward growth Through the years, PMR evolved into a supplier of choice for agricultural and feed solutions. Kim Newth RURAL SERVICES » PMR Grain Systems Under energetic new owners Tom and Kate Burke, Hinds-based PMR Grain Systems is forging ahead as a leading nationwide specialist in the supply and installation of grain storage, drying, seed cleaning and handling equipment. PMR Grain Systems was founded by Paul and Caroline Whitbread, who brought 30 years’ industry experience and knowledge with them when they moved from the UK to Mid Canterbury, starting PMR in 2004. Through the years, PMR evolved into a supplier of choice for agricultural and feed solutions. Having taken up the reins last year, Tom and Kate are now proudly taking PMR forward into the future with a focus on growth and innovation. Originally employed as an engineer at PMR, Tom rose to become the company’s general manager prior to taking over the business. Formerly an anesthetic technician, Kate has switched focus to join Tom at PMR and assist with the company’s administration. When not busy working, the couple love getting out and about in Mid Canterbury with their two young children and actively support the Hinds Rural Fire Brigade as volunteer firefighters. PMR offers full in-house plant and feed solutions from consultation and design to engineering and servicing. Their engineering team manufactures specialist parts for a wide range of grain systems, with full welding and fabrication services available. PMR also imports an extensive array of dairy feed system products, precision seed cleaning equipment, stock feed and milling plants, as well as grain and seed equipment for storage and drying. Repair and maintenance of existing plant and machinery is carried out in their workshop or on-site. In 2024, PMR is continuing to gain momentum and position for further growth. “We are looking forward to moving into new headquarters later this year – located just up the road from where we are now,” says Kate. “This will give us the extra space we need to accommodate our growing range of modern engineering equipment, as well as more space for our workshop team and more room for stock.” PMR has added some exciting new products this year too including PMR Magnet Packs, designed to reduce the risk of traumatic hardware disease in livestock. This is caused by cattle ingesting steel fragments like old nuts, screws and wire that can get into feed during harvest, processing and transportation. “Our magnet packs are designed to remove these contaminants,” says Tom, noting that the idea for this breakthrough came from PMR dairy sales and servicing manager Dave. “That’s why we call them ‘Davo’s Magnet Packs’! They are small, light and can easily be retrofitted to an existing feed system.” Another new PMR product launched this year is a highly efficient diesel heat exchanger for drying crops, grains and seeds in silos, drying floors or other crop storage/drying applications. “We are looking forward to moving into new headquarters later this year – located just up the road from where we are now,” says Kate. “This will give us the extra space we need to accommodate our growing range.” &RQWLQXRXV )ORZ *UDLQ 'ULHUV %HOW 'ULHUV 0RELOH 'ULHUV &KDLQ )OLJKW &RQYH\RUV %HOW %XFNHW (OHYDWRUV %HOW &RQYH\RUV 6FUHZ &RQYH\RUV $VSLUDWRU &OHDQHUV 'XFWLQJ 9DOYHV /HYHOOLQJ &RQYH\RUV 7ZLQ 7UDFH &RQYH\RUV )ODW %RWWRP +RSSHU %RWWRP 6LORV 6TXDUH %LQV 6LOR $XJHU 'LVFKDUJH ZZZ SHUU\HQJLQHHULQJ FRP VDOHV#SHUU\HQJLQHHULQJ FRP &RQWDFW XV WRGD\ Perry Engineering Services Ltd. The UK’s Most Experienced Manufacturer of Grain Drying, Handling & Storage Equipment Drying, handling & storage equipment for grain, wood chip, sawdust, grass, lucerne, paper pulp & much more! GRAIN SYSTEMS 6XSSRUWLQJ 305 *UDLQ 6\VWHPV 1HZ =HDODQG¶V /HDGLQJ *UDLQ 6\VWHPV 6SHFLDOLVWV VLQFH Designed with heavy duty construction, the PMR Heat Exchanger comes pre-assembled and is easy to transport anywhere in New Zealand. “As well, we are adding exciting new suppliers from the UK, US and Europe to our existing quality supply line-up,” says Kate. From small projects to new plant design or repairs and maintenance, PMR Grain Systems are the go-to specialists for tailored solutions to meet your farm and plant requirements.