Business Rural Summer 2022

124 | Offering others the chance to succeed Because The Shed Specialists Co concentrate only on the building of sheds, they’ve created a good relationship nationwide with suppliers. Shed Specialists, take care of every aspect of the build and their construction systems create an effective and very quick building pathway. Sue Russell “All the legal requirements have been ticked and it means whoever we select to take up a franchise is guaranteed there will be minimum risk.” RURAL SERVICES » Shed Specialists Ltd Focussing on growing a brand and offering others the opportunity to succeed is very much behind Aaron Nesbit’s due diligence in creating a professionally franchised business, ‘The Shed Specialists Co’. Aaron is the sort of person that does something once by doing it right and he says the time and effort gone into ensuring his Franchise systems and documentation are second-to-none has already paid huge dividends, both to the business, that he and wife Emily own, but to others who are now part of the The Shed Specialists Co fold. “We have created such a good business, delivering real benefits directly to our clients, that we wanted others to share in that success, but we were also determined to ensure every aspect of The Shed Specialists Co Franchise, wherever it may be established, was secure, run professionally and successfully and that’s certainly what we have achieved.” And asked why The Shed Specialists Co is the extraordinary success it is, Aaron says there are several compelling reasons. Firstly, the middle-man cost is removed from the equation. Because The Shed Specialists Co concentrate only on the building of sheds, they’ve created a good relationship nationwide with suppliers who provide Their clients with Sheds at cost effective rates. “You’d be horrified if you saw the mark ups some major supply companies make on then also building the shed, using their teams of builders. We only build sheds and building a shed perfectly requires a completely different set of skills and understandings, than say a residential builder uses.” To assume anyone can build a shed is, Aaron says, a negative simplification of what is actually involved. Secondly, Shed Specialists, take care of every aspect of the build and their construction systems create an effective and very quick building pathway, where completion is measured in days and hours, not months and weeks. Because his intention was to franchise out the business to eventually bring the benefits of The Shed Specialists Co offerings nation-wide, Aaron engaged professional franchise consultants, in order to establish all the paper-work to ensure security for all involved and a high end franchised system. “We didn’t leave any stone unturned in producing our franchise documentation. All the legal requirements have been ticked and it means whoever we select to take up a franchise is guaranteed there will be minimum risk with high reward.” Franchises have sprung up across many South Island locations, with the most recent on the West Coast. KAIAPOI KAIAPOI'S LOCAL BUILDING SUPPLY STORE Right products, right advice. For all your building supplies, tools and more, call into Kaiapoi ITM—we’ll see you right! Proudly supporting Shed Specialists Ltd 197 Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi 03 327 8829