130 | Precision aerial application in Southland The company’s modern fleet of MD600N Notar helicopters is notable for agility, safety and quietness in the field. PHOTO: Marty Muller Kim Newth Southland Helicopters is a trusted rural partner providing accurate, safe and efficient agricultural and commercial services for clients in Southland and surrounding areas. Operating as Southland Helicopters since 2018, the company has a professional team on board that includes four highly experienced pilots and four well-trained ground crew, using modern loading systems. Rounding out the team are two skilled engineers and two full-time office staff. The company’s modern fleet of MD600N Notar helicopters is notable for agility, safety and quietness in the field. Local farmers appreciate being able to call on an aerial contractor that understands the importance of keeping noise to a minimum around stock. “If we’re working on dairy farms, or a sheep farm coming to the end of lambing – or working near lifestyle blocks – we really don’t want to be disturbing stock and upsetting people,” says Hayden Cherry, who co-owns and operates Southland Helicopters alongside fellow owner/operators John and Willy. “That’s one of the reasons we operate our Notar helicopters, because they are one of the quietest machines of their size.” With no tail rotor at the back to present a potential accident hazard, the Notar helicopters get a big tick on safety too. They are equipped with purpose-built buckets and spray gear, adapted specifically for the types of products and purposes needed by Southland farmers. RURAL SERVICES » Southland Helicopters • to page 132 “If we’re working on dairy farms, or a sheep farm coming to the end of lambing – or working near lifestyle blocks – we really don’t want to be disturbing stock.” Paul 027 244 3354 | Kyllee 027 688 8677 Paul & Kyllee Henton • DAIRY • DEER • EQUINE • PIGS • BEEF • SHEEP • ANTI-FATIGUE • WINTERING @AgriTechImportsNZ pkhenton@xtra.co.nz www.comfycow.co.nz Specialists in All Auto Electrical Repairs & Servicing 4 V i c tor i a Avenue , I nv ercarg i l l Phone 03 2 1 8 3 200 admin@ajautoelect r i cal .net .nz Wishing Southland Helicopters Limited all the best and happy to be able to help in their operation Covering Otago & Southland 0800 227 226 www.advance-agriculture.co.nz Proud to support Southland Helicopters Limited Specialist Suppliers of Agricultural Chemical, Seed, Spray Equipment & GPS Precision Ag