Business Rural Summer 2022

For the past 21 years, bio-ag company Magnify NZ has been developing and testing its bio-stimulant and soil products Magni-Life and Magni-Grow that allow farmers to grow more feed from less nutrients, and tackle those pesky environmental issues. “Farmers, like many other businesses, are facing huge challenges and we all need a healthy dose of courage going forwards. More and more farmers are inding Magnify can reduce their fears and make the future of agriculture a lot brighter and happier.” As fertiliser prices continue to rise while the war in Ukraine continues, the cost of it becomes more and more di icult to justify economically. “Magnify’s clients are less reliant on fertiliser for plant growth, because our products can maintain growth with very small Grow more with less nutrients inputs,” says Magnify founder Scott Hobson. “If fertiliser prices don’t increase that much, then you’ll simply grow more grass for less cost.” Last season, average sized dairy farm clients of Magnify were saving $25,000 to $40,000 each month from March to May alone because they needed less supplementary silage. “The growth in the shoulders of the season is greatly enhanced, and this will easily cover carbon tax in the future.” Using combinations of products, Magnify has recently measured an incredible 800 1400kg (+750% over natural growth) of extra pasture growth in just 14 days on a sheep farm. “We’ve ‘magni ied’ an expected 10:1 nitrogen response to 160:1 in just 32 days. A few years ago I would have said that was impossible.” In addition, the stock have preferred the treated pasture and the regrowth is 100% better. In another example, from one application Magnify has measured 2400kg extra dry matter on new pasture from March 31 to November 1. “It’s been a poor spring in Canterbury, so this feed has been extremely valuable for these farmers.” Grass growth intensi ies when supported by soil microbial waste, and Scott says it’s like putting the testicles back on a steer. “He’s got the same feed but he’s now capable of growing 40% faster. That’s what natural hormones do for animals, and that’s what great bio-stimulants do for plant growth. They promote prolonged, enhanced, healthy growth.” Soils should contain many millions of di erent bacteria and fungi, and the bene icial ones each have their own specialisation to help the whole system. For example, enhancing or ‘magnifying’ Psuedomonas Putilda soil microbes increases the branching of shoots and roots creating denser, thicker paddocks with better access to water and nutrients already in the soil. They can also release enzymes to ‘unlock’ soil nutrients for plants. Plant roots only make contact with a small portion of the soil so more roots means more water and nutrient uptake. “There is huge opportunity for improvement in all New Zealand farms.” Magnify also produces animal health and growth products Magni-Lamb and Magni-Calf. The lamb fattening product is now being expanded for sheep health and clients are reporting less drenching is required. “With drench resistance becoming a growing issue, it’s encouraging to hear the amazing progress by proactive farmers with respect to this issue.