Business Rural Summer 2022

| 65 Good stock feeding practices a priority Photos: Bulls on beet at Pendella Station in the Maniatoto. Angela Scott with Rodger the ram. Wool bins after shearing. Kim Newth Maniatoto sheep and beef farmer Angela Scott understands the impulse to trim inputs when times are tight, but she says maintaining good stock feeding practices remain an essential priority. Pendella Farm (497ha) has been in her family for 93 years. Angela and her husband Grant Williams share a passion for sustainable farming. Grant is involved in the agriculture sector while Angela runs the farm operation itself. In 2020, she won a Ballance Farm Environment Award for innovation, acknowledging the myriad improvements she has made to make life easier on the farm, including the development of efficient calf rearing systems and accurate measurement and recording tools. Her farm philosophy is based on fully feeding stock to achieve good production and taking care in shepherding and handling to minimise stress on animals. “Putting in fodder beet (20ha) was a game changer for me,” says Angela, who notes that Pendella’s 400 bulls did very well from May to late October on fodder beet. “It is of huge benefit to my farm system. It means I can fully feed my bulls all the time and they grow really well. I can sell them off to the works at 15-17 months rather than carrying them for a second winter with all the costs that come with that. It’s a good way to decrease your carbon footprint too.” Another environmental advantage of fodder beet is that it’s low in nitrogen, thereby reducing the amount of nitrogen eaten and excreted in the urine. Pendella Farm’s pastures have been improved with a grass mix that also includes nitrification-reducing plantain. “Clover grows really well here too.” Dryland lucerne forage ensures lambs thrive and ewes are in good condition. (If grass is tight, Angela will sometimes also graze cattle on the lucerne and says they do well on it). At a recent Ballance farm field day, Angela heard a vet talking about how a well fed sheep is so much more resistant to worms. This fits with her own experience. “We tried to do a reduction test recently but couldn’t complete it as there were not enough worms. We don’t drench much at all. Feeding sheep well seems like a better way to manage worms than reaching for the drench gun.” Angela inherited her Saxon Merino flock from her father and has a strong regard for the rare small-framed breed that produces superfine wool of exceptional quality. Most of the clip goes to global luxury textiles brand Escorial. Angela finishes MEAT & WOOL » Pendella Station everything she rears, with no stores brought in. Key to her success is her gentle approach to stock management. Angela is a stock woman through and through and has learned there’s no point in rushing when it comes to animal husbandry. “I manage 1400 ewes, 1350 hoggets and 400 to 500 bulls, all with one dog. I take my time with them because, in my experience, when they’re stressed, they’re not producing well. Escorial has responsible wool standard requirements that sit well with me because that’s what we should be doing to get the most out of our stock – if you look after them, they will look after you.” “Putting in fodder beet (20ha) was a game changer for me. It means I can fully feed my bulls all the time and they grow really well. I can sell them off to the works at 15-17 months rather than carrying them for a second winter with all the costs that come with that.” Partners: Doug Harvie, Craig Wyatt, Brett Challis, Robyn Friedrich and Tom Saul. Software solutions, including Xero, Figured and Focus Harvie GreenWyatt is here to help you maintain and grow your agri business. Our rural business accounting, business and planning disciplines. MAKE THE MOST FROM YOUR LAND. Our team of agronomists combine proven science, business thinking and an understanding of the nuances of South Island soil and conditions to help you achieve higher yields and enhanced livestock performance. Our solutions focus on your commercial objectives and consider your unique land and environmental circumstances. We grow extraordinary outcomes. Get in touch to find out how we could help you make the most from your land. Proudly in support of Rogan Borrie. Proudly in support of Pendella Farms. WYNYARD TRANSPORT LTD For all your livestock cartage requirements, give us a call