| 23 John loves the challenge of keeping people interested, and finding the right staff with the appropriate skills. MEAT & WOOL » 4 Rivers Farming Company Ltd Otago Transport Ltd. 17 Tiverton St, Palmerston Ph: 03 465 1147 | Email: carey.turner@xtra.co.nz Contact Carey 027 458 5642 Specialists in... General Stock | Bulk Cartage | Stock Haulage Fertiliser Spreading | Sawdust | Wood Chips Crutching Trailers & Conveyor Available • Earthworks • Water Cartage • Gravel Supplies www.cargillcontracting.co.nz Phone: 027 224 0311 John loves the challenge of keeping people interested, and finding the right staff with the appropriate skills is always important. “The whole point of farming is to enjoy it and not treat it like a grind. So, it is really important for us to create a family environment, letting people explore their passions on and off the farm. So, the challenge is to balance that along with driving farm production.” He gets great satisfaction out of everything falling into place, and for the animals having lived their best life. “Farmers always want their animals to succeed.” John is the deputy chair (Central South Island) for the farmer council of Beef+ Lamb NZ, and his advocacy work stretches further than just the boundary of his farm. He and six other landowners also recently formed Mt Watkins / Hikarora Conservation Group, protecting a local reserve along with native vegetation on the surrounding farmland. The 600ha area is one of the last remaining original native forests in Otago and has a lot of cultural significance to the local area.