| 53 Barewood Station in Outram, Otago. MEAT & WOOL » Lone Star Farms It is no accident that high performing businesses report having strong leadership and a vibrant team culture where the whole team understand how they contribute, and how much they are valued. Team development is critically important to the success of farms. It’s no secret sta don’t leave jobs, they leave people. Farm owners and businesses like Lone Star Farms work hard to build strong leadership and great team culture on their farms. The Wandle - Lone Star Farms was recently named Otago Regional Supreme Winners 2024 at the Ballance Farm Environment Awards. They have been recognised for their work with and investment in their people among other farm practices. So, in short; being clear on your values is critical to selecting the right people for your business. Understand where you are now and know where you are going. Know your team as individuals and involve them in planning. The key to long-term relationships is the depth of your connection and that they don’t just have a job, but rather a sense of ownership (and responsibility) for their part in the plan. Set clear your expectations about how things work on the farm, including roles and responsibilities, as this will build con idence and self-leadership. Confident farmers can achieve their dreams Finally, while routines, good systems and processes facilitate and are important to daily work, leadership to deliver all the above is about e ective communication and is worthy of investment. E ective communication is the rock upon which successful high performing teams are built. The good news is there are resources, workshops, in-house programmes and expertise to help you develop your own high performing team. Those who seek a deeper understanding of the invaluable investment in people handsomely reward their (triple) bottom line, sta , environment and the prosperity of your farm/business. And don’t forget more freedom for you, as your sta will know what they are doing and can get on with their job! Visit us online at www.ruralcoach.co.nz/farm-teams-andhigh-performance/ to download your free copy of Rural Coach’s e-book ‘How To Keep Good Sta & Be The Leader They Need: 9 Practical Tips For NZ Farmers’. Author and Acknowledgement: Chris Coughlan, Partner, Rural Coach. Rural Coach is New Zealand's leading specialist coaching/advisory service for rural New Zealand families and businesses.