Agrecovery's Small Bags Product Stewardship Scheme is a free and sustainable solution for recycling your plastic bags commonly used for products like seed, feed, and fertiliser bags (25kg and under in size). This initiative is a substantial leap forward in sustainable agriculture, o ering a viable recycling solution for LDPE plastic (#4) and Woven PP plastic (#5) bags. With over 60 leading agricultural brands on board, the scheme is set to reduce the environmental impact of plastic waste signi cantly. Felicity Mitchell, Agrecovery National Scheme Manager, highlights the importance of the programme: "Agrecovery’s Small Bags Product Stewardship Scheme plays a crucial role in providing New Zealand farmers and growers with a practical and responsible solution for managing Woven PP and LDPE plastic packaging. It promotes the principles of a circular economy, ensuring that these materials are recycled and repurposed rather than ending up burnt or in land ll causing signi cant environmental harm." Mitchell also emphasises the collaborative nature of this initiative: "The success of this voluntary scheme relies heavily on the leadership of the scheme’s founding brands, who have shown commendable commitment by joining the scheme from the outset and taking responsibility for the plastic packaging they put into the sector. Their active participation enhances the schemes overall e ectiveness and reach by inspiring other brands to join, highlighting the importance of collaboration and shared responsibility in addressing plastic packaging management challenges. We are extremely grateful to these brands for their proactive stance on sustainability." For over 17 years, Agrecovery has been at the forefront of the recovery and recycling of plastics in the agricultural sector. Their voluntary product stewardship schemes for the responsible disposal of unwanted agrichemicals, and the recycling of empty plastic containers, drums, IBCs and now small seed, feed and fertiliser bags are a structured approach to managing on-farm waste, instilling a culture of kaitiakitanga and environmental stewardship among New Zealand’s primary sector. But just what is a Product Stewardship Scheme (PSS)? A PSS is where manufacturers, importers or retailers pay a levy for their packaging or waste to be removed from the environment and recycled into a circular economy. It is a collaborative approach that manages the lifecycle of products to minimise their environmental impact. Agrecovery’s Small Bags scheme o ers nationwide access with over 200 convenient drop-o locations, providing an e ective and e cient service for New Zealand farmers and growers. Mitchell urges all farmers and growers to leverage Agrecovery’s programmes. “Simple steps can make a big di erence. We’re con dent you’ll nd our programmes an easy solution for your on-farm waste.” For detailed information on how to participate, visit Agrecovery's Small Bags Recycling Programme: Simple Steps Can Make a Big Difference