78 | Founded on long term relationships Luisetti Seeds agronomists and sales staff. Edward Luisetti, Managing Director of Luisetti Seeds (below). Richard Loader RURAL SERVICES » Luisetti Seeds In 1932, during the worst period of the Great Depression, Vincent Luisetti, frustrated at the way clients were being treated, made the tough call to resign from a local stock and station company, giving up a highly prized company car, and make his own destiny. In those days, horses were the farmers’ work-machines and every farmer grew oats for feed. Vincent saw an opportunity to clean the harvested oats and return them for feed, giving birth to Luisetti Seeds. Established on what was then the outer edge of the rural service town of Rangiora, the business was founded on building long term relationships and integrity over short term profit. “Today we speak of core values like building long term relationships and respect for our customers along with a deep commitment to quality and innovation,” says Edward Luisetti, the company’s Managing Director and grandson of Vincent. “Back then, my grandfather would’ve been more familiar with business philosophies like: if you want to deal with farmers you have to have your foot on the plough; and it’s the little things. Those philosophies are nice connections to the past that still hold significant value to our business.” ;OL )H`LY ÄLSK [LHT PZ WYV\K [V ^VYR HSVUNZPKL 3\PZL[[P :LLKZ 5A PU [OL ÄLSK [V LUZ\YL [OLPY J\Z[VTLYZ NL[ [OL ILZ[ YLZ\S[Z MYVT V\Y WYVK\J[Z )H`LY PZ M\SS` JVTTP[[LK [V IYPUNPUN HU PUUV]H[P]L YHUNL VM ^VYSK JSHZZ ZVS\[PVUZ [OH[ HYL M\SS` YLZLHYJOLK PU 5L^ ALHSHUK ;OL )H`LY [LHT SP]LZ HUK IYLH[OLZ V\Y WSLKNL º>L»YL ^P[O `V\ PU [OL ÄLSK» ^OPJO YLWYLZLU[Z V\Y JVTTP[TLU[ [V V\Y YL[HPS WHY[ULYZ HUK MHYTLYZ Helping Luisetti Seeds help farmers. BAYER CROP SCIENCE NZ BAC3238 We’re with you in the field cropscience.bayer.co.nz FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: Bayer New Zealand Crop Science partnerships Proud to partner with Luisetti Seeds, where mutual support cultivates growth and success. Building strong