94 | Most versatile bulk transport operation The Lagmhor-based business, established in 1984 by Jock and wife Christine, grew from humble beginnings. Karen Phelps Three generations of the Ross family are keeping wheels turning at one of Mid Canterbury’s most versatile bulk transport operations, offering farmers a complete grain handling and transport solution. “It’s our name on the truck door and normally when we go to someone’s farm it is a Ross that will be there,” says Jarrod Ross, who operates Ross Bros Transport alongside his father Jock, the company’s founder. This commitment to personalised service has become increasingly rare in an industry dominated by larger operators, says Jarrod. The company’s ability to provide multiple services under one roof, combined with its family-oriented approach has created a unique niche in the Canterbury transport sector. The Lagmhor-based business, established in 1984 by Jock and wife Christine, grew from humble beginnings after the family farms were divided up between Jock’s brother and cousin What started as an internal farm operation has evolved into a comprehensive service provider for the rural sector, expanding beyond traditional transport to include grain and seed drying, fumigation, and storage facilities. “We’re a one stop shop for farmers’ grain requirements,” says Jarrod. “We can clean a dairy farm silo if it gets blocked, clear it with a grain vacuum, bring the grain back to our facility, dry it and fumigate it as required, then bring it back again. Typically farmers would have to get more than one company to do all that.” RURAL SERVICES » Ross Bros Transport • to page 96 Value Dairy Pellet Looking for a cost-effective feed option to boost peak production ˔ˡ˗ ˕˘ˡ˘Ѓ˧ ˠ˔˧˜ˡ˚ʲ ʴ˗˗ ˘ˡ˘˥˚ˬʟ ˆ˘˟˘ˡ˜˨ˠ ˔ˡ˗ ʼˢ˗˜ˡ˘ ˪˜˧˛˜ˡ ˧˛˘ ˕˘˦˧ ˗˜˥˘˖˧ ˧ˢ ˖ˢ˪ ˙ˢ˥ˠ˔˧ ʠ ˖˛˘˖˞ ˢ˨˧ ˢ˨˥ ˡ˘˪ ˉ˔˟˨˘ ʷ˔˜˥ˬ ˣ˘˟˟˘˧ʟ ˡˢ˪ ˔˩˔˜˟˔˕˟˘ ˙ˢ˥ ˔ ˟˜ˠ˜˧˘˗ ˧˜ˠ˘ʔ 0800 287 325 sealeswinslow.co.nz